Help with bubble sort

Hi. I am dealing with an assignment that requires me to have Bubblesort perform a few tasks.
original unsorted data
data sorted (ascending)
data sorted (descending)
Maximum and Minimum and the range
data having a frequency greater than 1
Below is the given prompt

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void input (int ulist[26], int& n);
void Bubblesort (int ulist[26], int slist[26], int n);
void print(int list[26], int n);
double average;int n,sum;
void main()
int ulist[26], slist[26];
input(ulist, n);
cout << "Unsorted" ;
print(ulist, n);
cout << "Sorted";
Bubblesort (ulist,slist,n);
void input(int ulist[26], int& n)
int i(0),value;
cout << "enter value : \n";
cin >> value ;

while (i < 25 && value != -999)
ulist[i] = value;
if (i<25)
cin >> value ;
void Bubblesort(int unlist[26], int sortlist[26], int n)
int i,j,temp;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
sortlist[i] = unlist [i];
for (j=1;j<=n-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<=n-j;i++)
if (sortlist[i] > sortlist[i+1])
temp = sortlist[i];
sortlist[i] = sortlist[i+1];
sortlist[i+1] = temp;
void print(int list[26], int n)
int i;
sum = 0;
cout << " list of numbers are : \n";
for (i=1; i<=n; ++i)
cout << list[i] << '\n';
sum = sum + list[i];
average = sum/n;
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "Average is "<< average << "\n";

I understand how it sorts the numbers in ascending order but am having difficulty getting it sort in descending. Also, do i create separate functions for each other assignment? If so, how many more functions? Finally, at the top of the program it writes the function void Bubblesort (int ulist[26], int slist[26], int n); HOWEVER, towards the middle of the actual program the function is written as void Bubblesort(int unlist[26], int sortlist[26], int n). How does it run correctly in this case? any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
I understand how it sorts the numbers in ascending order but am having difficulty getting it sort in descending.

Just change the comparison from > to <.

Also, do i create separate functions for each other assignment? If so, how many more functions?
Do you mean a separate function to calculate the maximum, minimum, median, etc. You could do everything in the same loop but having a separate function for each of them is probably nicer.

Finally, at the top of the program it writes the function void Bubblesort (int ulist[26], int slist[26], int n); HOWEVER, towards the middle of the actual program the function is written as void Bubblesort(int unlist[26], int sortlist[26], int n). How does it run correctly in this case?

It's the parameter types that matters. As you can see, the types are the same in both places.
I have tried that but i can not get it to print out in descending order, yet the code runs. Here it is updated. I put in bold everything i just updated.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void input (int ulist[26], int& n);
void Bubblesort (int ulist[26], int slist[26], int n);
void Bubblesort2 (int ulist[26], int slistr[26], int n);
void print(int list[26], int n);
double average;int n,sum;
void main()
int ulist[26], slist[26], slistr[26];
input(ulist, n);
cout << "Unsorted" ;
print(ulist, n);
cout << "Sorted";
Bubblesort (ulist,slist,n);
cout<<"Sorted in reverse order";
Bubblesort2 (ulist, slistr,n);

void input(int ulist[26], int& n)
int i(0),value;
cout << "enter value : \n";
cin >> value ;

while (i < 25 && value != -999)
ulist[i] = value;
if (i<25)
cin >> value ;
void Bubblesort(int unlist[26], int sortlist[26], int n)
int i,j,temp;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
sortlist[i] = unlist [i];
for (j=1;j<=n-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<=n-j;i++)
if (sortlist[i] > sortlist[i+1])
temp = sortlist[i];
sortlist[i] = sortlist[i+1];
sortlist[i+1] = temp;
void Bubblesort2 (int ulist[26], int slistr[26], int n);
int i,j,temp;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
slistr[i] = unlist [i];
for (j=1;j<=n-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<=n-j;i++)
if (slistr[i] < slistr[i+1])
temp = slistr[i];
slistr[i] = slistr[i+1];
slistr[i+1] = temp;

void print(int list[26], int n)
int i;
sum = 0;
cout << " list of numbers are : \n";
for (i=1; i<=n; ++i)
cout << list[i] << '\n';
sum = sum + list[i];
average = sum/n;
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "Average is "<< average << "\n";
Delete comma on

void Bubblesort2 (int ulist[26], int slistr[26], int n); <- here
int i,j,temp;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
slistr[i] = unlist [i]; <- change this to ulist instead of unlist
for (j=1;j<=n-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<=n-j;i++)
if (slistr[i] < slistr[i+1])
temp = slistr[i];
slistr[i] = slistr[i+1];
slistr[i+1] = temp;

in your main function put in system("PAUSE"); so you can see what is going on in your program

void main()
int ulist[26], slist[26], slistr[26];
input(ulist, n);
cout << "Unsorted" ;
print(ulist, n);
cout << "Sorted";
Bubblesort (ulist,slist,n);
cout<<"Sorted in reverse order";
Bubblesort2 (ulist, slistr,n);
system("PAUSE"); <- Here would be a good place

I tested your program with those changes and it does ascending and descending.
Nice Job

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