Array programs homework

I have an assignment due for this sunday, and I would like to see if some one can guide me to succeed on this.
this is the problem.

Write a C++ program that does the following:
Print a menu to start with these choices:
A - Enter female Data
B - Enter male Data
C - quit
If the user enters A or B, have the user enter the height and weight then print the condition of low, target, or high. The program should be in a loop that until the user chooses C, the program will again ask for more input.
Height = 58 - 64, Low = weight 100 - 114, Target = weight 115 - 133 High = weight 134 - 152
Height = 65 - 71, Low = weight 117 - 135, Target = weight 136 - 156 High = weight >= 157
Height = 61 - 67, Low = weight 123 - 133, Target = weight 134 - 150, High = weight 151 - 167
Height = 68 - 75, Low = weight 137 - 155, Target = weight 156 - 175, High = weight >= 176

Now I am being asked to do the next:

Modify the program from last week to such that the user has the choice of entering either 5 males, 5 females, or quitting (the while loop should be retained to repeat the menu until the user chooses to quit.
The names, weights, and heights of the 5 people should be stored into arrays.
The program should print the list of names, weight, height, and category.
The program also needs to have a function that prints a header (return type of void). It also needs a function that calculates the average height of all 5. The prototype for this will be:
double average (int ht0, int ht1, int ht2, int ht3, int ht4);

Any help will be appreciated, thank

Do you not understand what the problem is asking? Or is there some part of the algorithm you are having trouble implementing?
//This is what I have, but I am not available to range the low, target, high weight to each person of the 5 individuals. I am available to see the height and weight but I can not categorize them in a range of low, target, or high.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <array>
//#include "StandardIncludes.h"
using namespace std;

#define MAX_PEOPLE 5

int GetHeight()
int height;
std::cout << "Enter the person's height: ";
std::cin >> height;
return height;

int GetWeight()
// do the same thing here
int weight;
std::cout<< "Enter the person's weight:";
std::cin>> weight;

return weight;

std::string GetName ()
// Ask for the name
std::string name;
std::cout<< "Enter the person's name: ";

return name;

void CheckPerson(std::string name, int weight, int height, bool sex)
// Checking Bob (M)
// Checking Sue (F)
// Weight 170 (Overweight)
// Height 9 (Short)

// Print the name
std::cout << "Checking " << name << ":" << std::endl
<< " Height: " << height << ", Weight: " << weight << std::endl;

// male
// Female
if(height < 65)
// Short female
if(weight < 115)
std::cout << " Short female with low weight" << std::endl;
else if(weight < 134)
std::cout << " Short female with good weight" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Short female with high weight" << std::endl;
// Tall female
if(weight < 156)
// low
std::cout << "Unfinished" << std::endl;
else if(weight < 176)
std::cout << "Unfinished" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unfinished" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
// Person people[] = new Person[5];
std::array<int, MAX_PEOPLE> weights;
std::array<int, MAX_PEOPLE> heights;
std::array<bool, MAX_PEOPLE> sex;
std::array<std::string, MAX_PEOPLE> names;

// Keep track of how many people have been entered
int selectionCount = 0;

// Get the input
for(int selectionIndex = 0; selectionIndex < MAX_PEOPLE; selectionIndex++)
// do something
std::cout << std::endl
<< "Make a selection: " << std::endl
<< "A - Male" << std::endl
<< "B - Female" << std::endl
<< "C - Quit" << std::endl ;

char selection;
std::cin >> selection;
selection = tolower(selection); // Make the selection lower-case

// Decide what to do with this selection
if(selection == 'a')
// Male
names[selectionIndex] = GetName();
heights[selectionIndex] = GetHeight();
weights[selectionIndex] = GetWeight();
sex[selectionIndex] = true;
}else if(selection == 'b')
// Female
names[selectionIndex] = GetName();
heights[selectionIndex] = GetHeight();
weights[selectionIndex] = GetWeight();
sex[selectionIndex] = false;
}else if(selection == 'c')
// Quit
cout<< " ----------------------------"<<endl;

// Print values
for(int personIndex = 0; personIndex < selectionCount; personIndex++)

// Wait for some input and keep the window open
int wait;
std::cin >> wait;
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