Keyspace generating algorithm help

I have written a program that uses a wordlist to try to find the password for a user defined account on a windows system. My program only works by using user defined wordlists. I want to make my program capable of generating the entire keyspace word by word and try each of these passwords sequentially until either the user gives up or the password is found. Could someone please point me in the right direction for making an algorithm that generates these passwords?

Thanks in advance
There's an unwritten rule that if you're going to go around cracking things, you should at least be able to research things on your own. Specially if it's something as trivial as this.
I have tried several sites but I am 1. terrible at searching the web, and 2. have found several algorithms, none of which are in c++. If no one wants to help than I will spend more time searching. I was just hoping that someone with the expertise would point me in the right direction. Also, its especially not specially.
If nothing else, I'll acknowledge your nerve for correcting a subtle spelling error while not understanding the difference between "then" and "than".
I thought the misuse of "its" in the same line as the correction was interesting.

Could someone please point me in the right direction for making an algorithm that generates these passwords?

have found several algorithms, none of which are in c++

Apparently pointing wouldn't be enough.
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