
I have started writing a c++ code in which I must keep the program alive until the user ends it. I must also use a sturct, a vector, strings and a random generator and I'm not sure what to do next. Here's what I've got so far:

#include <iostream> // allows program to perform input and output
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std; // program uses names from the std namespace

struct game{
int Price;
string VideoGame;
string Company;
string RD;
char Genre;

int main()
string VG ="Assassins Creed III";
string C ="Ubisoft";
string rd="10/30/12";
char make='R';
int price = 45.00;

char RunGame = 'X';

game s1;
s1.Price = price;
s1.Genre = make;
s1.RD = rd;

//This is our block of code that the user will interact with.
cout<<C<<" "<<VG<<endl<<"RD: "<<rd<<" Price: "<<price<<endl<<endl;

cout<<s1.Company<<" "<<s1.VideoGame<<endl<<"RD: "<<s1.RD<<" Price: "<<s1.Price<<endl<<"Genre: "<<s1.Genre<<endl<<endl;

cout<<"Do you wish to run this game? :";

}while(toupper(RunGame) == 'X');

return 0;
Uhh, what next?

Well you said you need vector and random, put them in.
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