Building SFML for Code::Blocks

Pages: 12
Is the nuwen distro's bin folder in your PATH? (C:\MinGW\bin)
You're absolutely right!
I added the folder C:\MinGW\bin to the PATH, but when I installed TDM 4.7.1
I re-named C:\MinGW to C:\MinGW-4.8.0 and then forgot to update the PATH.
Once I did that CMake successfully configured and generated the makefiles.

Now this is the screen of CMD:
C:\Documents and Settings\Vidminas>cd C:\SFML-2.0\projects

Scanning dependencies of target sfml-system
[  1%] Building CXX object src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.
The system cannot find the path specified.
make[2]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.obj] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I looked around and found Clock.cpp in C:\SFML-2.0\src\SFML\System if that makes a difference.
And there is no folder called "CMakeFiles" there. (which, I think, is the folder that the errors are referring to)

EDIT: Now I think the errors were referring to the folder

The only things there are files ending with .make, .cmake, .internal, .includecache, .rsp
There's a folder called "Win32" which seems to be empty.
There's also a file called "link.txt" which contains:
C:/MinGW-4.8.0/bin/ar.exe cr ../../../lib/libsfml-system-s.a  CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Err.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Lock.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Mutex.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Sleep.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/String.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Thread.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/ThreadLocal.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Time.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ClockImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/MutexImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/SleepImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ThreadImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ThreadLocalImpl.cpp.obj
C:/MinGW-4.8.0/bin/ranlib.exe ../../../lib/libsfml-system-s.a

And thanks for bearing with me :)
If I were you, I'd have gotten fed up with myself a long while ago. (maybe...)
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I'm not familiar with that error, try running
make clean
and then

If that doesn't work maybe reinstall cmake (what version are you using?) and redownload SFML and start from scratch.
This is really, really weird:
C:\SFML-2.0\projects>make clean
The system cannot find the path specified.
make[2]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/clean] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/clean] Error 2
make: *** [clean] Error 2

Alright, I'm starting over.
So the first step is to get CMake from
I chose Windows (Win32 Installer) cmake-

Then I got the SFML 2.0 source from

Then I installed uninstalled CMake and re-installed it with the installer I downloaded (I chose the option to add CMake to PATH for my user) and installed it to C:\Program Files\CMake 2.8

The next step is to delete C:\SFML-2.0 and un-pack to C:\

Then I opened cmake-gui
Set the paths to the source code (C:\SFML-2.0) and where to build the binaries (C:\SFML-2.0\projects)
Then I chose "Unix Makefiles" and "Specify native compilers".
Then in the configuration options I unchecked BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and checked SFML_BUILD_DOC, SFML_BUILD_EXAMPLES and SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS.

After configuring and generating, I tried running "make". It returned exactly the same errors and so did "make clean"

Should I give up now and just use the pre-compiled binaries?
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Pages: 12