Porblem in my code

Hi there,
I am writing a program that prints the sum of even and odd numbers and here is my code
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int SENTINEL = -999;

int main() {
int integers = 0;
int even = 0;
int odd = 0;

cout << "Enter an integer ending with -999: " << endl;

while (integers != SENTINEL) {
cin >> integers;
if (integers % 2 == 0) {
even = even + integers;
else {
odd = odd + integers;

cout << "The sum of your even integers is: " << even << endl;
cout << "The sum of your odd integers is: " << odd << endl;

return 0;

but now in the output it adds -999 to the odd numbers
How can I overcome this problem?
You could break from loop just after reading a value, if the new value is the sentinel.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int SENTINEL = -999;

int main() {
int integers;
int even = 0;
int odd = 0;

cout << "Enter an integer ending with -999: " << endl;

while ( cin >> integers && integers != SENTINEL) {
if (integers % 2 == 0) {
even = even + integers;
else {
odd = odd + integers;

cout << "The sum of your even integers is: " << even << endl;
cout << "The sum of your odd integers is: " << odd << endl;

return 0;

Thank you Vlad, It works now :)
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