General C++ Programming - January 2014 (Page 25)

by ritfol
Editting a project
I create some simple projects such as account classes or invoice classes from my school assignments and they seem to work perfectly and I save them.But I can't ...
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i cant get answer for this virtual function
#include<iostream> class test { protected: int rollno; public: void getroll(int a) { a=rollno; } void putroll(void) { cout<<"your rollnumber is:"<...
[2 replies] Last: Problem is in your ALL set functions. The member variable should be on... (by ComNetCS)
Enum class problems
I'm having some issues getting an enum class working in my program. I declare it in a header file, and am trying to use it in the associated .cpp file. No matte...
[2 replies] Last: I guess that shows me for assuming enabled by default means that it co... (by vockleya)
2D side scrolling platformer: Facing problems with background/flat floor surface.
Hey guys, I am working on a 2D side scroller game. Where a ball is moving continuously towards right . I used a camera to follow the ball as soon as ball rea...
[3 replies] Last: In this simple case, you could simply draw the surface in the same rel... (by Zhuge)
pointer arithmetic
In the below example, the getline function returns the size of a line made of characters and stored in the line array. Now assuming we haven't hit max lines or ...
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C++ program to calculate Mean,Variance& Standard Deviation by Short-Cut method
/* Program in C++ to calculate mean,variance & standard deviation using short-cut method. Inputting the no. of terms, C.I. & fi. */ #include<iostrea...
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January 2014 Pages: 1... 232425
  Archived months: [dec2013] [feb2014]

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