General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 25)

saving audio to edited avi
Hi, I've found a nice function that would do exactly what I want, i.e. reading audio from an avi-file and writing into antother file : http://www.itlisti...
[no replies]
My custom encryption: Math makes me nauseous... (1,2)
I have an encryption equation: z = (((x + (y + 1)) * (y + 1)) - ((y + 1) * 2)); where y = The Nth character in the string (+ 1 because we start at 0 instead...
[37 replies] Last: I don't know what's sadder. The fact that you're unable to see that yo... (by helios)
Function connection problem
Hi, I have created a program which is made of 3 classes, put it in a level form of inheritance. Everything worked flawless until I decided that it's bette...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, I'm telling it again. I've done arguments for a lot of time(in c+... (by RobertEagle)
Error while creatingt the array of the class dynamically .
Hi , getting error while executing the progam , does not allow the array of the class to be crated // VitrualFunction070720120023.cpp : Defines the entry poi...
[1 reply] : Looks like you are trying to mix in some C# there. The proper way t... (by Disch)
Compile Error using template type in return statement
I am trying to use a template inside of a class the following way #ifndef BIBTREEHANDLE_H #define BIBTREEHANDLE_H #include <typeinfo> #include <iostrea...
[7 replies] Last: I have other functions that are templates and would like this functio... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
Runge-Kutta to integrate acceleration twice
velocityX1 = velocityX; velocityX2 = velocityX + CorrectedAccel * 9.80665 *dt*0.5f; velocityX3 = velocityX2 + CorrectedAccel * 9.80665 *dt*0.5f; ...
[6 replies] Last: If it's not time dependant, then you can't integrate over time. It's ... (by Stewbond)
Why i got "segmentation fault"?
how to solve segmentation fault error? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; #define PRINT "print" #define QUA...
[1 reply] : Array indexes are zero based so token is out of bounds. (by Peter87)
graphics from scratch
I have looked, to no avail, for information about a starting pointing for developing graphics from scratch. I don't mean explanations of how to use existing gra...
[7 replies] Last: ok, i didn't realize how OS-dependant graphics are. all the info was g... (by fewwords)
Need Help with Getting Info from Text files
Hey, I've been searching around for a while, and haven't really found a good way to do this... Program Information: What I want to do in a nutshell is cre...
[no replies]
by SyncMr
Efficient way to write huge boost dynamic_bitset vector to a file and read it back
I have a huge vector of boost dynamic_bitset. I want to write the dynamic_bitset vector to a file and later read the file back into a dynamic_bitset vector. Is ...
[3 replies] Last: @Cubbi: thanks for the link. will have a look at it. @kev82: The distr... (by SyncMr)
C++ Client Chatting
With the new standards in C++11 with std::thread, I was wondering if there is a way to make a pure C++ client to client chat that uses sockets. I have limited e...
[12 replies] Last: is there a good tutorial on threads? A tutorial would be insufficien... (by Cubbi)
String - Function
Hi, Maybe is an easy question. I have a function that return a String, and I would like to use this String like a name of another function, but I can't beca...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for answering! Very clear, but the problem is that I need somet... (by alvarogomezuria)
by stbb24
Return two values from a function
I have this code that generates two numbers and stores them in two separate arrays. If the random numbers are not allowed it generates two numbers again and ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks I will try what you suggested :) (by stbb24)
by sanyam
Communicating with Ports in c++
I want to learn how to communicate with ports in c++ in a way that is platform independent.
[1 reply] : in a way that is platform independent. C++ has no knowledge at all... (by Moschops)
by CMarco
string vector compare
Hi, I'm trying to compare the content of two string vectores: std::vector<std::string> vect_auxi; std::vector<std::string> vect_id; I tried...
[5 replies] Last: Hi, the first thing I tried was the regular expressions but this a... (by CMarco)
by h9uest
C++ & Java OOP Access Control Violation: access peer object's private fields
I instantiate two objects of one class, and one object accesses and changes private fields of the other object. I believe this violates the private access contr...
[5 replies] Last: smalltalk: all members are private, all methods are public. You can on... (by ne555)
recursive pascal triangle
I was given an assignment to create a pascal triangle using only recursion but could not find any help online; so, I done it on my own. I finished and figured I...
[2 replies] Last: i had too done this program int pascal(int,int); void space(int,int)... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by CMarco
boost split
Hello to all, I have a vector name vect with content: vect = 899-12312 vect = 2617-12344 Is possible using split to split in the signal - an put the...
[9 replies] Last: Hi, Thanks again. Yes you here right inserting in a vector invalid... (by CMarco)
printf and cout question
hi, i have : for(int i=0;i<size;i++) printf("arr[%3d] = %15.7le\n", i, arr ); which return numbers like the following : 1.0000126e+00 ...
[2 replies] Last: for(int i=0;i<size;i++) std::cout << "arr[" << std::setw(3) << i << ... (by Peter87)
How do you put a class object onto the stack
I'd like to override the operator 'new' for a class and at the same time allow myself the ability to create an object on the stack. Can't do it nohow with gcc 4...
[5 replies] Last: First of all, as NGen said, deafault constructors are, as thir name su... (by viliml)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 30
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