General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 4)

Load image into picture box when a button is clicked
Hi i have searched the web for 2 hours trying to find this answer and i couldnt find it! All i want to do is when a button is clicked for it to load a image. I...
[11 replies] Last: Microsoft's managed C++ is probably the worst thing you can be learnin... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
help in understanding a simple pointers example code.. (i posted this also in the beginners branch)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { int *p; int *pa; pa=new int ; for (int i=0;i<100;i++) pa =2*i; p=pa; cout<<p <<endl; ...
[1 reply] : Just one thread per question, please: (by Moschops)
contents of dinamically allocated arrays are not being copied correctly to the file......
here is the code: #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> class data { public: int *n; char **c; void alloca...
[10 replies] Last: Great. Don't forget to do the first part and the third part as well. ... (by Moschops)
by billyb
I/O question
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie C++ user and I'm in desperate need of help with an I/O Question.I've been asked to do the following: Each of the integers of a g...
[2 replies] Last: as the return type of function is char , it automatically converts int... (by nishu3210)
realloc(this, newsize)
In my code, I have a struct which can have a varying number of items. To make it simpler, I've used code similar to this: struct SetOfNullStrings { cha...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, it was a pretty odd way of handling it. It's in the context of w... (by SortaCore)
Variable declaration curiosity
Just out of curiosity. For example the code below having the same variable "i" use in a different loop for(int i = 0; ...) { // do something } for(i...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your comments :). Now I know (by projectUser)
Getting Wrong Answer ?!?!
Here's the question :- The government of Siruseri has just commissioned one of the longest and most modern railway routes in the world. This route runs the en...
[no replies]
Error in rounding off long double
So, i wrote this code to round off long double. But its showing some error beyond me. long double round(long double a,int i) { long double temp=0; long...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your reply. As this is my assignment, i must have to do... (by unkn00wn)
what do you guys think are the best programming books!!
You guys leave me a list of the great books you've read on c++ programs. Plus how you guys have learned c++, through school, friends, or just books/internet whi...
[2 replies] Last: yeah I have been doing this for a week now and am loving it.. The most... (by mickeyliv)
Position Application
First off, I hope this is in the right place, as I am using VS C++ 2008 Express. So I am trying to create a form that the users will fill in the textboxs th...
[1 reply] : There are two fairly seperate steps here: 1. You need to figure out ... (by Stewbond)
Is there a simpler way?
Here is my code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <list> struct Results { /* Declare/Define class members */ std::string name; float to...
[11 replies] Last: Yes but creating 2 new lists, sorting than reversing them just to find... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
cURL help
$Fields = array( 'Reply' => 'K.', 'Submit' => 'TRUE' ); $cURL = curl_init(""); curl_setop...
[3 replies] Last: You are showing PHP code, this is a C++ forum. (by modoran)
C++ Email Chat Tutor Needed
If anyone would mind helping explain and walk me through my final programming assignment for a course I'm taking, I would really appreciate it. I'm only a begi...
[no replies]
Unwanted frame with Webbrowser!
So me and a friend is creating a launcher for a private server of a game. And I've made the launcher display images that I host on my dropbox (allowing me to c...
[1 reply] : Working now! Had to create a html file and set border, etc = 0. and t... (by ZionHoi)
by yoreei
How to find the lenght of a char array
I used to do this simple task with strlen() or finding the first '\0' character in the char array with a while loop. Today I found that this causes a problem ...
[15 replies] Last: Okay, I didn't know that. I thought they were all mostly self containe... (by BHX)
What is the C++ compiler used in the C++ tutorial?
as the title describes, i would like to know the name of the compiler used in the tutorial, the one im using (DevC++) doesnt seem to recognize "if"... so if i c...
[5 replies] Last: nevermind, i figured it out..!!! :) thanks for the help you guys. (by CheezyPower)
by rkk94
getting exact numbers
hey, im working on a problem on project euler where i have to find the sum of all primes under 2 million. The answer im getting is in scientific notation. Is th...
[4 replies] Last: thanks tht seemed to do the trick:D (by rkk94)
Allocate memory - pointer to array of pointers
I want to create a buffer for each channel of audio. The audio is interleaved uncompressed PCM WAV. So a pointer to an array of pointers should be a great way t...
[7 replies] Last: Your code is very hard to understand, I like to keep things simple. W... (by modoran)
shared Variable in multithread in vc++
Hi all In the VC++ programming language windows api as the threading library; I want to shared variables/structures between threads,but I dont do it Thanks ...
[1 reply] : So what's the question ? Global variables (not recommended to use them... (by modoran)
Looking for program that fits 2D shapes together order to form larger 3D structures/shapes. Hi to the cplusplus forum. I have been looking on line for some sort of a c++ program that does the followin...
[no replies]
July 2012 Pages: 123456... 30
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