General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 27)

by BatCat
help with function "gets"
Well hello everyone Im just a few newbie at this part so someone can help me? (CODE ON C) My problem is that if I Using the function "gets(<var>)" to read a...
[12 replies] Last: ok then thanks to all. Solved n.n (by BatCat)
Algorithms Book
Does anyone know where I can download free pdf file "Algorithms in C++" by Robert Sedgewick? Or any other book about algorithms?
[6 replies] Last: Setting aside the fact that it's illegal, it's annoying as hell. (by Thumper)
Make exe file using a cpp program
Friends, i need to write a program that when run makes another exe file . Eg: make a program named 'sxes' and compiled it. When i execute or run sxes a new ex...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah man this is the same thing i was looking for . I just need to kno... (by closed account Dy85Djzh)
Pass char something[x][y] to function
Hello, How to pass the char something for example to function void ( char pass.....)???
[7 replies] Last: @Peter87 @vlad Why the default template arguments? Can they not a... (by vlad from moscow)
Why can't boost wave tool not find default include directory?
I have built the wave tool and now am trying to run my source code through it. But it just doesn't want to find the include directory. I just don't understand. ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, forgot to mention that I already tried the -S option. (by AdrianH)
Using arrays in string
How to fix this ? I am encounter with string and integer. The code line 10 : sum += week .. not match for operator += because sum(int) and week(string). #in...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string we... (by Nanite)
Issue using log2(x)
I'm having a strange issue using the log2 function this section of code Doffset= log2(Db); cout<<"Db is "<<Db<<endl; cout<<"Doffset is "<<Doffset<<endl; i...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for that, I'm now using Doffset=round(log2(Db)); which has ... (by Crakrjack)
by Phil M
SendInput - Cursor position wrong.
Hey, I recently wanted to create a (yet) simple program that simulates a mousemovement. So far I managed to make the program work. It does move the mouse, c...
[2 replies] Last: If you multiply first, dwx * 65535 == (dwx << 16) - 1 It's still ex... (by Arkadi Kagan)
by Ajiel
array function
Hi how i can remove elenment from array by using funtion?
[3 replies] Last: this belongs more to the Begginer forum section, but whatever. Thats ... (by TinyTeeTree)
equation evaluator
hello everyone, I have written a code 2 calculate an equation entered by user. I have to prioritize the operators in order of precedence with ( coming first th...
[4 replies] Last: anyway, i used the debbuger a little bit, and your code is fuuuuulll o... (by TinyTeeTree)
Exception handling
Exception is not getting catched by catch block. class abcd { public: int a; abcd(){cout<<"first"<<endl; a = 5; throw a; } ~abcd(){...
[3 replies] Last: No. (by helios)
Gpa evaluation system through array.. need help urgent
Programming Fundamentals Assignment Type: Individual Programming Assignment, Deadline: 21/05/2013, Marks: 20 Submission Mode: Soft copies (source code + exe ...
[6 replies] Last: TinyTeeTree thanks for telling how to put code :) (by fatima95)
by zsteve
How difficult would making a CAS program be?
I'm just being curious about building a CAS (computer algebra system) application in console mode. It should be able to take a simple algebraic expression like...
[2 replies] Last: well for single variable non polynomial equations like you presented i... (by TinyTeeTree)
Making a menu
So for my class at school I have to make a menu to display on a kiosk for an amusement park in the future. I'm having trouble with the menu working although I h...
[5 replies] Last: @whitenite1 Thanks so much, that worked. Looks like my menu is comple... (by BradleyHeat)
I want to print the contents of allPolygons vector, I don't know how to do this. The code in not mine but I trying to understand the code to do other things. I...
[1 reply] : cout << ' ' <<&it; should be cout << ' ' << *it; (presuming that ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Friendship and templates
I have a function and a class, like so: template<class U,class V> V myFunc (U); template<class T> class myClass { // Do stuff }; I want to make ...
[1 reply] : See: (by JLBorges)
About Text and Binary files,end of file indicator
I open a file in text mode(for example mode "r+"),and then I use fwrite function and write a struct into a file.Now when I look inside the file with Notepa...
[no replies]
Prime Numbers help in group
I currently need help on separating my Prime numbers in group for my assignment. I absolutely do not know how to do this. I am able to find out if the number I ...
[8 replies] Last: Hey Scorvus, I dont understand one thing in line 12 and 13, if num is ... (by Harsh Saxena)
help!generate random number using in xlw
i want to get a random number generator. i know how to generate random number in c++. however, when i build in xlw, generate an xll file and open in the excel, ...
[no replies]
Did I answer correctly?
Would you agree that I answered these conceptual questions about struct and polymorphism correctly? struct allows: a)member function definition b)virtual ...
[4 replies] Last: ok thanks for helping out (by Gluttons)
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