General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 45)

by Aceix
OpenGL books
Can anyone suggest any good opengl book for me? Or any other graphics(multimedia) library suggestions with reasons, would be considered. Thanks, Aceix.
[no replies]
by drm
New video tutorial on genetic algorithms
New video tutorial for the advanced beginner to intermediate C++ programmer -- A one-hour video about a recreational project to make a genetic algorithm that wi...
[no replies]
Hello! I have a code where I need to input n number, and then programm must find numbers a, b,c which are a<=b<=c<=n and are working in this formula ( a^2+b^...
[7 replies] Last: << is a function call and not an operator, so (a,b,c) must be evaluat... (by helios)
by iky
how do you round numbers?
for my assignment i have to round three different numbers in a function. the function only receives one integer, a number from 0-100. i have to round it to the ...
[4 replies] Last: thank you everyone. @sandeep. it worked fine when i returned score a... (by iky)
by Sopap1
Telephone number to word generator
(Telephone-Number Word Generator) Standard telephone keypads contain the digits zero through nine. The numbers two through nine each have three letters associat...
[no replies]
What IDE should I be using?
I'm currently learning C++ and would like to try and become a game programmer; along with code blocks to create my c++ programs, but I've seen a few places sayi...
[1 reply] : Professional game programmers use whatever tool is most appropriate fo... (by Moschops)
delete an array
I have a struct like this: class ClassOps{ public: Array *array2 ; }; Say i want to delete the whole array ...
[4 replies] Last: You let it go out of scope. (by cire)
by sous
Please need help !!!
This exercise addresses queues, I need help. In this example, we have will use an array to implement a circular queue, that is, wrapping the queue around when y...
[no replies]
arrays in algorithm of cryptography
Hi everyone! I'm going to explain what I already have and what I want to do, I'm not going to show the full code because more than 800 lines. My code is a...
[no replies]
by mahta
selection sort for linked list
I'm trying to sort a linked list by using selection sort algorithm,but it doesn't work.where's the problem?! I test it by myself and it worked. #include<iostre...
[2 replies] Last: WOW! thank you so much! I haven't noticed that it happens every time. (by mahta)
no appropriate default constructor available?
hi, I have a linked list code, it works with integers or strings, but when I try to implement it with a class that I write, I get " no appropriate default cons...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, it works when I add default constructor. (by genclik27)
Creating a Binary Tree
Hello there, If I add the following numbers in a binary tree in the same sequence 30 , 40 ,35 , 25 , 50 , 45 what should be the inorder , postorder and pr...
[no replies]
Stringstream to const char* issue
I'm sure that this is just a stupid problem because I've done this a hundred times, but I can't find the problem. On line 25 below, I am inducing a complila...
[5 replies] Last: .. because it is the compiler generated copy constructor which could... (by cire)
by Sanel
Inheritance with Private Base Class Data Members
So I was told using protected for a base classes data members is bad software engineering practice due to small changes in this base class can break the derived...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=Sanel] "I was told using protected for a base classes data memb... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How to store this data structure in memory?
Hello, I'm engineer switching from ancient Fortran to C++. My OOP skills are dim at best and would appreciate your help on storing the data structure I'm goi...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, Moschops. (by ardayanan)
change char* to '*'
I made a class: class CMessage { char* pMessage; public: void Reset() { char* temp = pMessage; while(*temp) { *(temp++) = '*'; } ... }; whe...
[5 replies] Last: Your compiler might not be sticking it into ROM, it's undefined behavi... (by BlackSheep)
I have course work that i can not let me in exam
Hi i have problem!you can do a flow chart,can someone help me make it more?? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main( ) { float A ; int N,i,j; ...
[no replies]
by aj3423
why debug error here?
#include <vector> using namespace std; template<class T> void de_serialize(T& t) { } template<class Content> void de_serialize(vector<Content>& ct)...
[2 replies] Last: I have a problem with debugging and with "pdb" files: This is my prog... (by MMariab)
Nested Loop Structures (For Loop)
Good day everyone. I really need help. How can I output a pinwheel made of asterisks that uses for loop? It's really hard. It's my first time to use C++. Hoping...
[no replies]
need basic help with arrays
I just want generate a random number for each array. why cant I do it this way(why would it not work this way?)?what way can I do it then? #include<iostream>...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much :) (by closed account 1R91hbRD)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 51
  Archived months: [oct2012] [dec2012]

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