General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 7)

Equal Range with a 3D multimap
I know many people do not like the idea of having containers within containers as they can get complicated. I agree it's complicated but I think it's doable and...
[9 replies] Last: To use (x,y) composite key, you will have to define ordering on those... (by carebearboy)
Making a login screen
I am trying to make a login screen in which I grab input from a login.txt file which contain the names and passwords of the people like this. (name) (passwor...
[no replies]
Cannot open include file: 'winbgi2.h': No such file or directory
i am using #include "winbgi2.h" in c++. i am using visual studio 2010. the problem is i cant build my code. i dont know how to solve this error and what to do. ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, it's working now ;) (by Alexway)
by mar11
identify variant type within class object
I am confusing the following problem by identifying the a specific type within boost::variant and pass it as member function argument within a class object. Co...
[1 reply] : Why not use function overloading and/or template specialization? (by LB)
Need help with C++ (angle quadrant)
Hello everyone. For my Math class I get a bonus credit of 40 points if I write a C++ program that does the following: -----------------------------------------...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. The problem is I'm not a computer major student ... (by atalebizadeh)
Passing methods as arguments to other methods in C++
Hello and thank you for reading my post. I have several methods which begin and end the same: file opening at the beginning, information collecting from the ...
[7 replies] Last: ReturnType (SomeClass::*NameOfMemberFunctionPointer)(ParamTypes); //.... (by LB)
I've done a tutorial, now what?
I did a long tutorial on c++ to make console programs. How would I use the skills I know to make a game with simple graphics? What is a good engine? Thanks :)
[2 replies] Last: Rule of thumb: don't make console games. The console is nice when you'... (by LB)
for each question
hi every body . i read c++11 and i have one question . i use "visual studio 2010 sp1" and i want use "for each" statement in "win32 console app" . vector<...
[11 replies] Last: ok tnx alot (by ahura24)
by Prog24
Writing to an Output File
Hello, I have my whole program complete except I need to write everything to the screen as well as to an output file names OutMenu.txt. I have everything alrea...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry guys, I copy and pasted my code into here and then deleted the m... (by Prog24)
by helios
Boost condition variables
template <typename T> class Event{ bool ready; T var; boost::condition_variable cv; boost::mutex mutex; public: Event():ready(0){} void set(con...
[no replies]
How to search multiple files
This is a personal project, not related to school or work. I'm on windows 7, running command line. The program i'm writing should work simular to the dos find...
[no replies]
help po sa assign ko sa C++ Programming...ito po ung problems... #1 Input: 10 numbers Output: a.) total of all even numbers. b.) average of a...
[2 replies] Last: For #2 lookup the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Its a simple algorithm that f... (by davidcox95)
by iky
need help with starting program?
hi. i need help starting my program. im not sure how to start and im confused after trying a few different things. in general my program will read in a set of d...
[2 replies] Last: post what you have (by SamuelAdams)
by georgp
Hashtable bad EXC_BAD_ACCESS error
Hello everyone, I'm writing a hashtable for an exercise. I am nearly finished but unfortunately I get a exc_bad_access error. Now I am stuck for more than two...
[4 replies] Last: I goooooot it:) Thank you soooo much took me so long to figure this o... (by georgp)
What code do i need to add into a console application so when the user types in Help (in upper and lower case) it will tell them what to do?
[11 replies] Last: If you really don't want to use std::, then you can replace using nam... (by Stewbond)
Saying Class does not exist?
Enemies.h #include<SDL.h> #include"Labels.h" class Enemies { protected: int health; int strength; int speed; virtual void draw() = 0; vir...
[3 replies] Last: It happens (by Stewbond)
external data file
Below is my code, its a running code however its not writing the user input to the EXTERNAL DATA FILE. Please help // Name: Class: // Purpose of th...
[5 replies] Last: How are you executing your program ? By double-clicking on the .exe fi... (by toum)
by ljs
references as class attributes
dear all, sometimes when a class has attributes that are pointers, it can be confusing whether this object is responsible for deleting the object being point...
[9 replies] Last: @JLB so it cheats. Which is fine, of course, :) (by LB)
Player Sticking to Walls
Hey guys, I've been trying to make a game and I ran into an interesting problem. I have currently programmed a player that can move around, a box that repres...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, I modified the player movement function and now he doesn't usually... (by Jacob31)
by ttimt
Power Function at GMP Library
I recently downloaded GMP Library for big num. Everything worked fine but when i'm trying to use the pow(2, x) where the x is a mpz_class it wont work. And i...
[8 replies] Last: 2^x and -1 reply? (by ttimt)
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