General C++ Programming - November 2017 (Page 11)

Please help about the c ++ pointer
How to do the following with c ++. Can you help me. Please 1-Create a linked list and enter the following elements into it: Renault,Ford,Mercedes,BMW ...
[1 reply] : This is not a homework site. We won't do homework for you. Make an att... (by goldenchicken)
PPP2 Chapter 17 Exercise 11 (1,2,3,...,13,14,15,16)
I'm making (kind of) another thread for this. Sorry about this. Anyway, the specs for it are as follows: Complete the “list of gods” example from §17.1...
[319 replies] Last: I'm looking at the pointers in just the move_nodes() function. What ... (by jlb)
by ruki97
Counting words, line and bytes in an input
I want to write a C++ program where the input counts the lines, words, and bytes without argument. And also an option to count the unique words using the --uwor...
[no replies]
Need Help assignment :( c++ code
Binary Search Tree Create a program that accepts string as an input. The program will determine how many nodes the user wants to enter. After the strings are e...
[1 reply] : I don't know what is more intriguing, the fact that you believe that p... (by Golden Lizard)
MyString Class Segmentation Fault
I am doing a program for creating a simple string class using c-strings and dynamically allocated memory. Somewhere along the line I have done something wrong a...
[1 reply] : Well, one mistake seems to be in the copy constructor. Instead of st... (by Peter87)
Linked Lists
Question regarding linked lists vs vectors w/ regards to efficiency. I understand linked lists insertions/deletions are constant time whereas the vectors are...
[3 replies] Last: To insert into a vector, you then need to copy everything following th... (by Repeater)
Undefined behaviour with char arrays
I compiled a simple c++ program involving char arrays, i am getting serious undefined behaviour, please help, i am having the problem with TDM-GCC-5.1-32BIT...
[11 replies] Last: Thankyou, this solved my problem (by closed account SNToE3v7)
by MegaX
Name and ID not showing up in Inheritance Assignment
So i have an assignment to make an Employee program with Inheritance but the name and the ID isn't showing up in the output. I know the issue is either with my ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you its working now (by MegaX)
Moving an Enemy object in SDL
Hello everyone! I'm attempting to move an enemy object towards a target (player). I'm using Vectors, and the enemy will move towards the object, but for some r...
[3 replies] Last: Move the function definitions to a source file, or declare them as inl... (by Peter87)
Having trouble with functions
I understand that to be able to invoke (is it said that way?) a function you have to have declared it before, so the structure would be something like: Functio...
[5 replies] Last: Oh right I got it, IT WORKS! Thank you! (by Demrottens)
by Quark
writing BINARY data to WIDE char streams
Hi there, I have noticed that writing BINARY to WIDE character streams does not work as I expected. Can anyone answer a simple question here:
[2 replies] Last: you should not write a binary file using wide chars, just write it as ... (by jonnin)
Please help me solve this infinite loop
Please help me solve this infinite loop: There this problem does not solve. There is an infinite loop and it looks to be as a result of line 20 #pragma ...
[2 replies] Last: for (int m = 1; 1 <= 40; m++) { This line will cause your code to loo... (by PolarJ)
Reflective programming
In preperation for c++17 structured bindnings, been playing around with some reflection stuff (so sticking to tuples/pairs). Just wondering if there is any way ...
[3 replies] Last: > Compiled on MSVC, GCC does not like the CanCout for some reason. C... (by JLBorges)
CSC matrix algorithm for find the index of real matrix
Hi everybody, I've created a CSC (compressed storage columns) Matrix , for store sparse matrix! in similar way I've created a CRS Matrix (compressed storage ro...
[1 reply] : typical sparse matrix storage consists of a list of row,column, value.... (by jonnin)
How to write huffman tree into file
hey guys, I am trying to write huffman tree into file but, I do not know the best way of doing it.Can anyone help me? My huffman tree has a char for the let...
[1 reply] : the character is redundant. so for example if you just had vector<int... (by jonnin)
Need help with compiler errors!
So this is my first post on here and I'm looking for some help since my professor never responds to emails. I have to write a program that prompts and reads a l...
[2 replies] Last: Got it all figured out! Thanks for the much needed help with the code ... (by bkdraper33)
cs programmino
(30 pts) Recursive Fractals Examine this pattern of asterisks and blanks, and write a recursive function called pattern() that can generate patterns such as thi...
[3 replies] Last: thanks all (by programnick)
by sufi52
Is this possible??? to implement this logic?
Write a function which should add the two vowels in the arrays and generate third array and store vowels only once if repeated, if is mandatory that there shoul...
[3 replies] Last: I'have tried more every way i understand but unable to implement anyo... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Can you help me simplify those IF please
Can you explain to me how to simplify all those IF, thank you Here's the code :
[3 replies] Last: Another approach: switch(a +2* b) { case 0: //a false, b false c... (by lostbits)
Input and file implementation not working
Here is the input case for my files : #include "Person.cpp" #include <cmath> const double EPS = 0.00001; Person a("alice", 92); Person b("bern...
[no replies]
November 2017 Pages: 1... 910111213... 16
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