General C++ Programming - September 2014

Question about dynamic arrays HOMEWORK PROBLEM
I have to do all the comments that says to do.. However I have no idea how to start the question. /* A function that reads a sequence of integers from in...
[no replies]
Help with Mips assembly language
I am trying to do a simple for loop that computes sum of a certain number of integers and then outputs the sum. .text .globl main main: li $9, 0 l...
[1 reply] : thought it might be because I didnt add j loop to the end of the loop ... (by byronflds)
Help with Keylog Imposible to make.
Forget it
[1 reply] : you should probably translate it to english so more people know what y... (by Jacobhaha)
by anduhd
C++ exe code keeps crashing
Hello so I have this program that for now does nothing that keeps ignores the cin.get(code,7); , terminates procces and now it even crashes when it gets there. ...
[no replies]
Issue with string and spaces
I have the following code in my program and it is not working as intended. string getName = ""; double getWeight = 0; int getHeight = 0; double displ...
[1 reply] : I have also tried this with getline(cin, getName); on line 9 instead ... (by cire)
by jodytj
C++ Debug Help
// I am getting the following errors when I try to compile my program... /*C:\Users\aurjagui\Desktop\Program\driver.cpp In function `int main()': 84 C:\User...
[6 replies] Last: I have it compiling now but get a run time error. when I compile it: ... (by jodytj)
concatenate two char arrays into single char array..
I am trying to concatenate two words from a file together. ex: "joe" "bob" into "joe bob". I have provided my function(s) below. I am somehow obtaining the term...
[2 replies] Last: @ OP: After you add the forward declarations and the other stuff that ... (by Computergeek01)
Function Chaining?
Can someone point me into the direction of where I can learn how to do something like this: func1().func2().func3()..... Thank you
[9 replies] Last: Is generally a bad idea since the intermediate object would be destro... (by MiiNiPaa)
unable to find out what is wrong
I was trying to solve a problem in In this problem i have to output number of vowels per line of text.but i am not getting where my code has gone...
[6 replies] Last: @keskiverto Thank you very much.The code worked perfectly.And i thank ... (by reach devi)
by nz881
Keeping track of used letters in hangman game
Hi am trying to make a hangman game in c++. Everything works so far but i can't seem to keep track of the used words in the game. As in,if a letter has already ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> int main () { char ch; ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by N10
read and you'll know
guys im making a kind of game ill show you how it looks like in my imaginations :- */ INTERFACE /* |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|...
[4 replies] Last: @ Computergeek01, thanks but i prefer using kbhit(); kbhit(); func... (by N10)
Problem with using nested loop with file I/O
Hey guys, I have problem using the nested loop with file I/O. Every time I debug the program, the name of the student in the output file doubled. I used tx...
[1 reply] : It looks like it's possible you're reading the file too many times, bu... (by jlb)
c++ 11 - how overloading operators?
i'm trying overloading the assigment operator without sucess :( class String { private: string b=""; public: String(string s="") { ...
[13 replies] Last: > how i can do it? Wait for the C++14 feature? It should become wid... (by JLBorges)
by dev05
Average is incorrect
Hi guys I am a beginner in C++ and just started using Class function. I have come up with a code but my average is incorrect and I am unable to figure out what ...
[10 replies] Last: Interesting...How would that not cause a problem? He is storing all th... (by novellof)
by cybr
c++ header file
"Theexamplealsodemonstratesanimportant C++softwareengineering concept—usinga “preprocessor wrapper” in headerstoprevent the code in theheaderfrom being in...
[1 reply] : I think you're talking about Include Guards. They prevent the declarin... (by Ganado)
getline problems?
I have a retrieve function, but I am not sure why it isnt working like I want it to with getline? Here is the code string sInID,sLN,sFN,sGPA; string selectin...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow! I didnt notice that! That fixed it right up! THANK YOU!!! (by Bonster)
Reading files that are in a folder
So what I'm trying to do here is get into the folder "emailaddress" and then read from the files that are inside it. The files inside emailaddress are named by ...
[1 reply] : My guess is it's using a different working directory than that which c... (by Krisando)
by xoxos
3d world euler rotation
forget it, "solved" - i realised i was trying to rotate angles and that the more complex methods are justified. i'm sure everybody knows this is a problem, ...
[no replies]
C++ how to sell record/title
Alright I no longer have compiler errors. I require help with writing code for selling a record. How would I go about that? #include <iostream> #include ...
[9 replies] Last: I have just updated my code and I am sad to say that I still can't sel... (by bwilson1)
Would Some Upcoming C++ Features Allow One to Reliably Recode Objective-C or Something Like it in Pure C++?
Would native support for modules, manual dynamic linking, run-time concepts, reflection, etc., in the C++ language allow a programmer to faithfully recreate the...
[7 replies] Last: type-safe doesn't magically make your code bug free. In any case, i wo... (by closed account 10X9216C)
September 2014 Pages: 123... 28
  Archived months: [aug2014] [oct2014]

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