need c++ part time jobs

I have a need for a small income.I am 18 years old and I have been programming C++ for about three and a half years, and I would consider myself an intermediate level programmer. I was wondering where I could find a small programming-related job for myself.a job that would only require an hour or two of work per day, as I attend collage.

If there are any jobs out there like this, please let me know!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!
More than likely you will not find any job for a hour or two a week..Anyways how would 8-20 dollars a week even help?


Also we don't know where you live but good jobs while in school are working on campus , restaurants , stores , malls , ect. ( none of these will be 1-2 hrs a week. )
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I am from India and $20 is ok but where i can find a c++ programming job?
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

You could try some freelance boards, such as:

All the best,
I'm seeking a C++ coder to develop Adobe After Effects plugins based on my specs. Pay discussed. SDK available at Adobe. I can send you the link. Email me at LMENSTUDIO ( at) aol (dot) com. Leave contact info
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