Intellectual Property?

Pages: 12
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
a) if you left a bank vault open with no one around to guard it, you deserve to have it stolen

That doesn't mean that the person who stole it didn't do something illegal.

People are still using browsers with no spell-check?
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Why do people resort to using browsers with spell-check because they can't spell correctly?
The laws about stealing do exist, but are not pinned to the walls of every bank vault. A note "open doors, carry away" has to be put there explicitly.

Fredbill30 wrote:
Why do people resort to using browsers with spell-check because they can't spell correctly?
Because the English language sucks and spelling is hard?
spell check is wrong, it thinks american english is english, thats why I hate it
You could change your language settings, for example...they have both US and EU versions of English.
EU? You mean UK?
No. He meant EU. It's pronounced "ewwwww," although I suppose "uck" works as well.
Oh, that's funny.
Eh, I get EU/UK mixed up a lot. I meant UK.
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Check with the forum's posting policies. I'm pretty sure that when you sign up you are acknowledging that anything you post is public domain.

Let's summarize devon's situation:
*downloads browser from U.S. company*
*is frustrated that U.S. English is default*


Edit: Better illustration
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ModShop wrote:
I'm pretty sure that when you sign up you are acknowledging that anything you post is public domain.

Under the law of most countries, anything that may be considered a "creative work" is copyrighted automatically. I don't know whether an agreement on a website can override that or if you have to explicitly waive it (though I do know that under German law, there is no such thing as "public domain" and no way to waive your copyright of a creative work), but I would think that you have to explicitly waive it.

UK Intellectual Property Office wrote:
There is no official registration system for copyright in the United Kingdom (UK) and most other parts of the world. There are no forms to fill in and no fees to pay to get copyright protection.

So long as you have created and fixed, for example in writing, an original work that qualifies for copyright protection, that is it falls into one of the categories of material protected by copyright, you will have copyright protection without having to do anything to establish this. It is a requirement of various international conventions on copyright that copyright should be automatic with no need to register.

Basically, if you post code, unless you explicitly state otherwise, it's considered copyright in most countries.
LOL "US English"
I suppose with so many immigrants having to use a common language it makes sense to trim some of the more complicated things and spell the words more phoneticaly
> spell the words more phoneticaly
¿write as you heard or read as you wrote?
say as you read
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I actually use a mixture of the two.
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Pages: 12