coder subculture, where is it?

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why do people like to associate what they do with how they dress/ how they want to come across?

fashion and subculture is pretty crap these days and mainstream fashion has nothing to copy and sell back to people at a higher price

either way I am wondering whats unique coder culture style that isnt dweeby(i know this is kind of a shallow thread shut up) so how would you do it, how would you dress like a badass version of yourself? and whats stopping you? apart from alienating your mother/friends of course.

I did this with basketball, I wanted to wear baller jerseys and good high tops, my friend who studies physics always tells me im stupid and asks me why I bother, i really dont know actually, i like them though, but I dont know why.

where did the coder stereotype come from? and can we cyber punk it up without just falling into hipster spectrum.

EDIT: goth boots and leather trench coats are awesome unless someone puts them on, then they look silly.
unless they are a genuine badass/looks like they are carrying a gun/just killed someone/on the telly box in bullet time

EDIT:whats your style? or what styles do you like but would never bother to get into, I always thought although goths have a lot of "victim stigma" about them, the guys wear amazing boots and dark crushed velvet looks amazing on women, and if you think its good to avoid all style how far out of your way do you go to avoid it?
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See , more specifically,

Casual, vaguely post-hippie; T-shirts, jeans, running shoes, Birk-enstocks (or bare feet). [...] A substantial minority prefers ‘outdoorsy’ clothing — hiking boots (“in case a mountain should suddenly spring up in the machine room”, as one famous parody put it), khakis, lumberjack or chamois shirts, and the like.
Hackers dress for comfort, function, and minimal maintenance hassles rather than for appearance (some, perhaps unfortunately, take this to extremes and neglect personal hygiene). They have a very low tolerance of suits and other ‘business’ attire; in fact, it is not uncommon for hackers to quit a job rather than conform to a dress code. When they are somehow backed into conforming to a dress code, they will find ways to subvert it, for example by wearing absurd novelty ties.
In this case, "hacker" and "programmer" are almost perfectly interchangeable.
wow that index is proly mostly true for a lot of us here
That is a very interesting document helios. Here is a link to the full text:
closed account (G309216C)
I really do not know, but I do not dress like the usual Stereotypical Programmer\Hacker in fact I am completely different I wear Supra and wear SuperDry Coat and such so I am not the Stereotypical dude.

Although I spend a good amount of time with my laptop I do occasionally to Everyday go out with my friends to shops and countries so yeah, I am not the Stereotypical person who programs all day.
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Basically what helios said.

I was considering wearing a suit for fun though. Is that an oxymoron? :P
I just want some genuine subculture to happen somewhere
@devonrevenge You will find that every person on the planet will dress and style themselves towards the group in society they most feel they associate with.

For me, yes I am a Software Developer, but that is my job and it's not "who I am". The "hacker" image used to exist, but these days you'll find most professional software developers have no issues wearing a suit to work because they understand that they need to associate with the "business" environment of the organisation they work with (less important at startups, small private companies).

It's also very difficult to put "coders" in to a single group because each language community has it's own attitudes. A group of ruby developers is very different to a group of Java developers.
Well you could change your gender. That has helped me to turn into an amazing programmer :) btw suck it devon
@Michaela funny enough I worked with a MTF programmer :P
I still don't believe, write my name on it and pm me a link XD
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Converse, jeans, and a button up collared arms are all tattooed up, I have my lip pierced and 2 "industrial" piercings in one ear.. not exactly hacker standard.....
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Well I don't know. I just wear what my friends wear (I fit in with the geeks and populars)
well done fredbill, there was an apartheid between geeks and populars when i was your age.

Im glad I was sent to a hippy comprehensive, mainstream schools can damage peoples self confidence and make them very insecure by encouraging competition.

And what the hell is up putting someone in a lower easier class if they are struggling, surley they should get more intense
devonrevenge wrote:
Im glad I was sent to a hippy comprehensive, mainstream schools can damage peoples self confidence and make them very insecure by encouraging competition.

I went to an all-boys grammar school. It was horrible, worst years of my life, but I made some enduring and very good friendships. I changed to a mixed ordinary school for sixth form and it was much better (not specifically because it was mixed; it was in a better area and it had better teachers, better equipment and a lot more money).

And what the hell is up putting someone in a lower easier class if they are struggling, surley they should get more intense

The point of dividing classes into sets is so that the more intelligent students get a heavier workload and therefore more intellectual stimulation and the opportunity to get better results and achieve more academically. The less capable students get a lighter workload because they aren't capable of a heavier one. Some people simply aren't as intelligent as others, and they won't benefit from having more work thrown at them. Obviously prior to sticking them into "easier" classes, the school should try other methods to see if it's something else: for example, if a student misses classes or doesn't pay attention or just doesn't grasp one concept, then they might not be able to understand what's being taught because they don't have prerequisite knowledge; in that case, they would benefit from extra classes, which I think all state schools offer.
I think work ethic and lack of foresought benefit (goals) is the most mitigating factor for why people struggle in ANYTHING. Most people have the same intellectual capacity from birth but some are more privelaged with having educated stricter parents to push them "methodically" to read and study. I remember a few years ago when I was in high school math there was always the standard conversation of: "why do I need to know this" or "my parents never had to use this" or "Im gonna be an artist".

You see, because people don't like to invest time in something they don't perceive as beneficial or provides quick pay-off. Im interested in the stats of the ratio of business, humanities to science majors in the US in contrast to countries like japan or india, Nepal, South Korea, or Germany etc (countries with tighter resources). In conclusion I think people don't know what they really want.
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i think schools could be letting intelligent students down putting people in easier classes if they dont do well, people who do well in class arnt inteligent they just suit the system.

I couldn't handle school because my mind needed more stimulation than modern (ancient) teaching methods offer, in my comprehensive 5 of us would sit around a table and sip tea and listen to a teacher talk about a subject like we were actual people!

I see how this doesn't work if you want to pump out a work force in batches, lucky for me a charity paid for private school fees if they think you would do better in a different type of school.

thank you buttle trust.

I wonder if schools encouraged those that were bright and not the ones that were academic how different businesses and politics would be in a country
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I wear jeans or shorts and a t shirt pretty much everyday. At work (network and systems work) out only dress code is no shorts. And that's just because we occasionally have to see a "customer" (student, work at a university).

I've always kinda worn the same thing. I wear band shirts on occasion too. I've interviewed for an internship at a huge healthcare IT company and they had no dress code for their engineers, except nothing offensive. Seems like for people who work beyond the public eye, they can just kinda wear whatever they want.

My programmer friends also don't really wear anything crazy or weird. Just normal casual clothing.
Not to mention the people who go to the best school have the most money, their parents invested or went to said schools, they have some sports scholarships, or they have academic scholarships from consistently doing well in the system and on biased standardized tests. Especially when It comes to history (All european all the time) not even anything about the slave trade, the civil war, etc. When I went to take the ACT twice, there was not but 2-3 non-white students in my group.

It speaks to the foundations of America for what it really is: democratic on paper, socialist in ideality, and a plutocracy based upon grecian, roman, and egyptian forms of government: slavery (prison industry), elder based-council (congress), and government arbitrating beauracracy. There is so much I could get into right now about how corporations and Oligarchs really run this world and the military industrial complex that we have, where Americans think they are fighting for freedom in the era of post Vietnam. The bottom line is that in order for us to evolve as nation the entire population must evolve and it goes to natural selection amongst humans. We must be more comprehensive and learn to think for ourselves if we want unitarian control of our own futures.
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... about how corporations and Oligarchs really run this world

google "monsanto employees in government"

business owns countries, the whole democracy/freedom thing is marketing these days
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