Unveiling of Epsilon Anti-Virus

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I bet all of ya, he is not postin it. Look he avoided all of those requests although he can say that you did frown when he offered the exe.

It is understandable to not want to post the code one spent a lot of time and effort on and yet, why was this thread posted on a programming website, when where programmers will instinctively ask to see the code before trusting you?

I think I speak for the majority when I say we are code monkeys, mostly, and therefore we are not so well-versed in analysis of machine code and reverse engineering.

So when you give us an executable, we ask for source code, unless if you're a well-known well-liked highly trusted member. Even then there would be some account hacking suspicions.
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zereo wrote:
And he says he only has about 700k LOC) that he coded in 10 months?
BHXSpectre wrote:
Did have some long ramblings about math. Then I decided to do this:


My CPP folder. 314 files, 4.5MB, well over 700 LOC

You do know what the k in 700k signifies, yes? You seem to be well short of that mark.

Seems like Jackson Marie, part deux.
Yeah, I should have left the rant about math. I had a rant that used my code and showed the math to see how my code multiplied to get 700k still wouldn't be 1GB. Then I found this quote:

The contrast is even greater for the Linux kernel. For example, the source code for version 2.4 is approximately 100MB and contains nearly 3.38 million lines of code, whereas its compiled binary is only about 1.1MB on a typical system.
And the kernel modules, and the compression that happens to the kernel image?
Don't know, just was pointing out how 700k lines of code can't possibly be 1GB.

You would have to be a pretty poor coder to do 700, 000 lines and have 1GB when the linux 2.4 kernel (they are on 3.11 now) is ~100MB (1GB is ~1024MB) and 3.38million lines of code.

Using LOC and size is a guarantee that you will be busted in a lie (assuming you don't already dig the hole with other lies).

[EDIT]Fixed typos.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
OK, I thought you were trying to justify how 1 GB of code could hypothetically be compiled into a 14 MB executable.

Speaking of code and executables... hey SpaceWorm, have you prepared any for us to download?
Hmmm...Guys, I was searching for SpaceWorm's other accounts for a hour and I discovered his profile in some hacking related forums, seems more that shady so I decided to create a bogus account and to check his profile and it seemed so skethcy:


Then heard bout him in other threads there, he apparently was coding malwares as well called "Omega Bot", he showed some C&C pics:


Hmmm...very very shady I suggest don't download the link, or test it in some VM machine.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Zin Byte wrote:
Hmmm...Guys, I was searching for SpaceWorm's other accounts for a hour and I discovered his profile in some hacking related forums, seems more that shady so I decided to create a bogus account and to check his profile and it seemed so skethcy:
you discovered a profile, is it his? Does it matter if a person who wants to write antivirus software hangs out in hacking forums?

I think this would be a very stupid way to try to pull off a hack...
What do you mean by a bold italic a, anyway I am guessing it is his but just a thought.
Never the less, all his posts are also tiny bit sketchy.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
What I mean is that the profiles you found on hacking related forums could be anyone and not necessarily 'our' SpaceWorm.
Wanna see a magic trick? I'm gonna make SpaceWorm disappear...

In all fairness, he's probably been building his 1 GB of code the last couple of days.
@Catfish no offense, but now you are being a bit of an a**h***
I personally can understand why someone would "hide" after being brutally attacked by 4 people.
Ha ha! Brutally attacked! My brittle little heart is growing soft and squishy with tears of remorse.
My brittle little heart is growing soft and squishy with tears of remorse.

Like that will ever happen. LOL :P
No that I want to be involved in a verbal conflict but, SpaceWorm was just showcasing what he made, besides you are to blame you're selves after all he was being gentle but then you went all rude.

I am not in neither sides but just saying.
@Zin Byte
besides you are to blame you're selves after

besides you are to blame you are selves after


Also, who are you saying was rude to him?
Like that will ever happen.

I could list some more things equally unlikely to happen, but then you'd call me an asshole, again.

So instead let's just wait. Maybe SpaceWorm is busy with schoolwork.
I could list some more things equally unlikely to happen, but then you'd call me an asshole, again.

I can never know if you are taking me seriously. If you are, please don't.
Also, I think I know what you were going to say.
Have you read the whole 9 pages? If not, you should. Here is the jest of everything:

*He posted it and talked about people testing, but never gave an Executable to test.

*He said it would be on the MBR (Master Boot Record, the program that sits on the first sector of your hard drive to boot your system) which would be majorly risky as it could mess up and make your system inoperable.

*He responded to requests for code by posting code from another user (Cyberwarfare) who left after seven months.

*He claimed Cyberwarfare was his brother in the past, then changed to just someone he worked with and knew.

*He claimed his code was 700k LOC in a 1GB file over 10 months, where I just proved about that the linux kernel being 100MB and having 3.38 Million LOC.

If I was an admin, those facts alone would make me start eyeing him for a possible troll of sorts.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
@SpaceWorm: for a guy like me, who is still learning winapi and didn't touch the driver stuff, it would be very interesting to see more source code.

You mentioned that it protects MBR. What happens if it's not a virus but a disk partitioning program? does your antivirus protect the whole sector 0 or only bootloader code?
What about GPT disks and EFI bootloaders? correct me if I'm wrong but GPT disks (and EFI motherboards) boot from EFI System Partition and MBR is kept only for compatibility.

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