Zombie infection symptoms.

Pages: 123
What are the symptoms that you have been bitten by a zombie? If you got bitten by a zombie how would it feel? How would your life change? There are stages in your transformation so at what point would you experience what?
You would begin to watch more television, especially shows on TruTV and any other reality shows.
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
You would Probably experience 32 teeth gettin stuck into u when you get bitten
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Or you could be a college student.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Well. If you are a Rails programmer, you may already be a Zombie and not even know it...
There are stages in your transformation so at what point would you experience what?

When you're confused and you cannot give your life a purpose, and your soul rots inside of you, is when you're a zombie.

That, or whenever you go shopping pushing your shopping cart around other zombies, who are also shopping pushing their shopping carts around.
When you're confused and you cannot give your life a purpose, and your soul rots inside of you, is when you're potentially depressed.
Ive noticed that an undereported symptom is trying to keep a fresh bite hidden from non infected friends.
Ah, devon that's clever!
According to whose zombie mythos are we basing our answers on? Or are we just tossing up our own ideas? Because that, much like having the right man in the wrong place at the wrong time, can make all the difference in world...


RealGiganitris wrote:
When you're confused and you cannot give your life a purpose, and your soul rots inside of you, is when you're potentially depressed.

I can attest to that.

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Uh, what zombie myths are out there?
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Uh, what zombie myths are out there?
I don't understand. Zombies themselves are myths.
According to whose zombie mythos are we basing our answers on?
Hey Fred!
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Because there's only one type of zombie like there's only one type of dragon. </sarcasm>
The normal myth is that they crave brains or human flesh and that they transmit by bite or fluids in openings. Only can kill them if you shoot them in the head, otherwise they will keep coming at you. Just look into the movies and games to see what myths there are and see the variants they have added to the myth over the years.

Lumpkin wrote:
I don't understand. Zombies themselves are myths.

True, but myths can sometimes lead to the best games. Resident Evil, Dead Rising, God of War, Darksiders, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy, etc.
You forgot the opening tag, I learned HTML4 four years ago. I forgot it but the syntax if I can remember is: <tag>type variable="content"</tag> so you would type: (exception: if there is only one possible variable for that tag then you just write the content and it will automagically set the content as the variable)
<sarcasm>Because there's only one type of zombie like there's only one type of dragon.</sarcasm>
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Except I wrote just the end on purpose. There is no actual sarcasm tag(though it would be interesting if there were).
Daleth!! Best idea ever! The sarcasm tag in HTML6! (if HTML6 isn't already released.)
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
I'm almost positive HTML6 has been released.
if (html6==1) (replace "html6", "html7");
Pages: 123