Java knowledge Vs. C++ knowledge

Pages: 123
This happens very often to our students especially once they suddenly understood pointers, or read some book on programming and they think they got some superpowers.

Lol. Guilty as charged, at one point. I grew out of it :P

... Still significantly ahead of the average for my class. And one professor, I swear to this day she didn't know what a linked list was. I don't know how you get to be a professor of computer science (at an admittedly shit tier liberal arts university) without knowing what a linked list is.
closed account (3qX21hU5)
This happens very often to our students especially once they suddenly understood pointers, or read some book on programming and they think they got some superpowers.

Not sure if I read that wrong but I didn't know you were a teacher or professor rapidcoder.
I'm not active right at the moment (although formally I'm still employed at the university). I was in the past for some time, but I chose to write real software than to do research. This happened also to many of my friends.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Maybe my memory if faulty, but I seem to remember you mentioning that you work on Cassandra?
Cassandra? as in ?

I remember hearing about that. Was pretty excited.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)


Do you have your PhD ?
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Pages: 123