Why would the designers of Java think this was OK?

Pages: 12
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
I see java and android as languages that you dont need to know you just look bits up and use them
correct me if im wrong, but i dont think andriod is a language
closed account (18hDSL3A)
I see java and android as languages that you dont need to know you just look bits up and use them, I cant learn to use these languages freely like c++.

What an immensely silly thing to say. Of course you need to "know" Java, but Java is not C++ so the things you need to know about Java are different then the ones you need to know about C++. The fact that you can use Java without being overwhelmed with it's subtle pitfalls and intricacies at every turn is a *strength* and is a natural effect of it being a higher-level language. Just because you can't understand why something is done a certain way doesn't necessarily mean it is a flaw in a language, just a hole in your knowledge that needs to be filled.
@devon @DTS @Junkie @Lumpkin

Please do not derail topics.
Im not, Im complaining about clunky java programming too.

unless you were just reminding us incase it was gonna happen.
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This thread is about a specific feature of Java, not about your opinion of Java as a whole.
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Pages: 12