Project Idea: Simon

Project Type: Game

Basic Idea: To begin with, the game has a "board" of four squares. The game progresses in rounds. During the first round, the computer should chose a random square and highlight it (Example: Square 1). Next you should wait for the user's input on which square was highlighted. If they picked the right square go to round two, or else end the game. The next round you add another random square to the sequence. (Example: Square 1, Square 4). Now the user will have to input the sequence in the correct order. If they picked the right sequence, move on to the next round, else end the game. Next you add another square to the sequence and so-on and so-forth.

Extra 1: Add a counter to show how far in the sequence they got, and output it when they lose the game. (Example: Square 1, Square 4, Square 1, Square 2 = Score: 4)

Extra 2: Add colors to the square to give it that authentic feel. You can check the Wiki link at the end to find the colors.

Extra 3: Add sounds to each square highlighted or chosen to further give it an authentic feel. You can check the Wiki link for the musical notes for each square.

Extra 4: Add a Top Scores board that is displayed at the end. And allow user to input their name if they beat a score on the Top Scores board.

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