How do developers put the download link on the internet?

So, there is always software out there you can download off the internet. Well... how? For instance, I open up my folder for steam, and there are hundreds of files of all just application extensions and files of code. Well, when you click on the steam website: "Download Here", how does that download the hundreds of files? I know web development and have made sites with .pdf download links, but never... a real application. I just figured I should ask this now before I end up developing something that is able to sell (or even just download) and have no idea what to do. That, and I have always been curious about this.
By the time you write something worthwhile to sell or even just download, you will not be asking this question.
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By the time you write something worthwhile to sell or even just download, you will not be asking this question.

That's kind of what I was thinking. It's a bit similar to people asking on SFML forums "How do I get an installer and safe setup and bla bla bla...!", by the time you've gotten your game done, you'll already know.
Yeah I agree with tirwin. What does writing game teach me how to make an installer???

Anyway, I just asked this question because I was curious. I am not actually developing something..
By the time you're getting your game done, you should have been able to run into something for an installer. You don't make your own installer, you find one you can use. It's the kind of information you shouldn't have to ask people if you're actual going through with it. That was just an analogy however, I wasn't referring to you.
Oh. Well, I took it seriously. Well, thanks anyway, but can you actually find a different one (made by someone else)? I did not know that.
Yeah, if I wanted an installer for my game I'd just go use one already made. I don't know of any games that use their own custom made installer, that'd have a bunch of details outside of making your game.
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