most used language

Pages: 12

check this out
i did. my point still stands
it seems we cant agree on this
But as time passes which ever of us is wrong will pay for his wrong opinion

uhhhmmm no... no one will pay for anything. youre premise: it is impossible to crack a program without assembly. this is wrong. there are many tools that don't require assembly for cracking software. and this is only if the program is a compiled executable (ie ELF, exe, bin, etc...)
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Ok if you don't know assembly then you are not the master!
So how many assembly languages do you need to know to be a master?
I have paid for my wrong choices in the past now
very badly
let me learn assembly then i will tell you what you can not achieve without it
I'm starting to think this guy is a troll. Let's just all quietly abandon this thread now...
A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology
Yes I am that kind of Troll
I already got a new vision after leaning a little about assembly
i believe in its power
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Pages: 12