Best free to play games

Simply curious as to what you guys would recommend as the best free to play (or cheap) computer games, either single or multi-player, and better if they can be played offline.

Looking for games that can run on Windows 7 or Ubuntu (I think v14.04 LTS)

Every game is free to play...
I can't recommend a restaurant with out first knowing what kind of food you like; similarly I cannot suggest a source for video games without knowing what genre you are looking for. Even titles of some of your other favorite games would help. So I will have to default and agree with chrisname, torrents are your answer.

Ragnarok (requires DOSbox)




Warzone 2100



Zhuge wrote:

This this this this this.

That game Rox0rs.
chrisname wrote:
Every game is free to play...

World of Warcraft costs £10/month to play

Computergeek01 wrote:
I cannot suggest a source for video games without knowing what genre you are looking for.

My bad. I'm looking for typical indie style games. I like puzzles and adventure in games but I also like lots of arcade style playthroughs.

My favourite games at moment are along lines of: Smite, Osu!, Electronic Super Joy, Guildwars 2, Orcs Must Die 2, FTL, Binding of Isaac, Star Conflict, Starbound.

Granted pretty much all of these are paid for games but that's where my money's gone XD

Zhuge wrote:

Sounds cool, I'll certainly take a look at that =D
Someone called Touhou has made a bunch of amazing beatmaps for Osu!, it's a good style for anyone playing Osu! if you want to take a look.
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World of Warcraft costs £10/month to play
I miss time when I had to cope with MaNGOS elusive bugs. Spawning Illidan in the center of Stormwind to have some fun before server update and world wipe...

+1 for Warzone 2100. More than 10 years have passed and there is no game which had been even close to it.

Also would like to add Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm to roguelikes.

Also: CnC Tiberium Dawn + Tiberian sun and Red Alert 1. They are officually free now.

What kind of games do you like? I might suggest a bunch of free puzzle horror games.
Yeah, I've played Warzone 2100 and it's certainly something I plan on downloading again.

Those C&C titles are free now? Gimme, gimme, gimme! XD
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