Keeping spirits up when working on a project

Pages: 12
Git is amazing. Learn it, love it, marry it.
I wasn't talking about creating a new project folder, just save everything in it, r-click>copy the folder then paste it into a different folder and change the name from myProjectV1 to myProjectV2 or whatever. It is then simple enough to move it back into your working directory and replace what is there if something goes wrong. That is more or less how I go about it anyway.
git would do what you just said, except use less memory and keep it cleaner
How would it do either of that? If by memory you mean hdd space, my current project takes up ~145k of space. Release build is ~45m, but still not much to worry about and I only need a current one at best. As for cleaner, that could mean many things and most I can think of would be likely to go against my personal preferences. A group project is a different story as I said earlier, I'm only considering projects I work on by myself.
Git (and other version controls) allow you to keep track of every change to every file in a project. You can then revert to previous revisions and jump back to the present without needing copy pasta jobs. You can also work on separate branches for experimenting easily (and merge them when you want).

If you're on the fence about using git I recommend you check out:
Even if you don't use Git, use SOME sort of version control. We're not nutjobs here, it is seriously an amazing tool to have. I do highly recommend Git though. It seems that's where the world is moving towards, and it's incredibly easy and lightweight.

I use git for every single project I make. Even if I don't plan on working with anyone else. It's just so convenient.
lol, I was not meaning that you are all nut jobs for using it, just that it was kind of over kill for solo projects. I will admit that I almost screwed up the other day by making a major change and not backing it up first. Luckily I got it worked out and did not have to revert back though.
its not really overkill. its performance enhancing imo.
I have been meaning to look into version control and might change my mind after I do.
You will change your mind. Every developer worth his weight should be competent in at least one form of version control.
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Pages: 12