Minecraft problem solving.

This is all a bit light reading and may upset people with real life problems.

So my friend installed galacticraft and computercraft on a server and we all made awesome houses then I headed off to the moon only to crash thanks to a glitch, strangley all my items have been destroyed despite my lander being fin and all I do is run out of oxygen over and over again, I ask the guy whose server it is to fix this, hes like nah thats your problem :'(

I spent ages making an awesome base, now all that is inaccessible, so I need to somehow make myself an op by gaining access to the server, or make a mod that the surver can deal with that keeps me breathing til I get home, anyideas?
Shoot for the moon and even if you fail, you might quit playing Minecraft and do something productive with your life.
Sounds like the server's probably got Multiverse Inventories on it (or something like that)....
Anyways, go make a better version of Minecraft or something instead of playing terrible games like Minecraft =D
Yeahhh, sfml minecraft clone :D
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