How to get a program ready to be shipped?

Pages: 12
@ MiiNiPaa: There is literally no reason it shouldn't.

@ OP: There is some file duplication involved, and you need a separate installer for each platform you support, which you would need to have in some form or another anyway. But honestly you can scratch out everything I said about makefile, you'd be hard pressed to find a more flexible solution then that.
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I guess this is a stupid question, but can you send an executable program (.exe) to someone and expect it to run or no?
It depends. If you statically link all of the required libraries (or if there are no libraries required at all), then yes. Otherwise, no. You'd have to ship the dynamic libraries with it.
There's also the problem of whether or not you have permission for redistribution.
There's also the problem of whether or not you have permission for redistribution.

Could you explain this more please?
Some libraries use a software license that restricts how you distribute it. Personally, I would never use such software of my own volition.
Which licenses allows you do distribute it? GPL license does that right? Sorry about this, not too good with the law system for software.
Sorry about this, not too good with the law system for software.

Neither are the people writing it. Yes, GPL is one of the licenses that allows you to redistribute the product that it is attached to.
Thank you so much Computergeek01! I believed that it was, just wanted to make sure. What other licenses are capable of doing the same thing?
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Pages: 12