Stuck in the hospital...

Hey I'm stuck in the hospital. I've got pancreatitis. It is really sucking right now as I'm sure all of you can imagine. I am on a no food no drink diet. Telling a 17 year old boy that he can't eat. Awesome. :P The nurses aren't even too fond of me rinsing my mouth out with water. Does anyone have any suggestions to things that I can be doing for fun and trying to cheer myself up? I'm going to be in here for at least a week.

Anyways. Anyone want to talk? I'll probably checking on here pretty regularly. Its just not going to be fun for a while. The drugs are nice though. That's for sure. They've got me on morphine and some nausea medicine, but the nausea medicine doesn't last the full six hours so I might be getting an upped dosage of that soon.

Also you can drop over and look at my other post here:
I'm a little bummed that I don't have my program on my laptop but I will talk to my brother tomorrow about posting my latest updates online so that I can work on it some more while I'm here.

Thanks for anything you guys have to offer. God knows I'm trying to keep in good spirits its hard when in pain though.
Woah, that's tough.

How are you being fed/hydrated? They wont let you use your laptop?

I hope you get better.
i am not being fed. and hydrated through an IV. and no i can use my laptop but i dont have what i have been working on on it. its at home on my desktop.

I am having a really rough time from my pain medicine right now though. i am very lightheaded and super nauseous. they are going to call a doctor in.
Best wishes to you Antone; hope you have a speedy recovery.
:/ that sucks. best wishes and hope you feel better. im going to give you a early/belated birthday present op ;). github. its an amazing tool. it allows you to manage your source code, using the git api, and github allows you to access that source code from anywhere. i highly recommend it
Recommendation: Forget about projects and play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup for the next week. :)
Hey thanks a lot you guys. :) I really appreciate it. Little bit of a tough night last night, but I'm feeling alright now. You know, aside from being up at 3:30 in the morning asking for more medicine but the kind nurse will help fix me right up. ;)
I'm sorry to hear about your condition. I was a wrestler so I'm no stranger to not eating or drinking for a day or two at a time, but then again I didn't have a swollen internal organ stabbing me so I really can't imagine how miserable you must feel right now. IMHO I agree with Mats on this one, you shouldn't be working on anything right now. Between the opiates and the malnutrition you can't be anywhere near even your baseline ability so the only thing you would accomplish is damaging your code.

Did they find a cause? Stones would suck but at least it's an outpatient procedure.
Nope. They didn't find any cause. They called it some name for not knowing the cause and said that is it pretty normal for minors to not figure out where it came from. so its alright. I have been doing alright today. Still holding out. I am now on clear liquid diet. but to be honest not really sure what that means because i never thought of frozen yogurt as clear liquid. haha
Are you better now? (Or discharged?)
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