Lord of The Rings: Gandolf's Staff

This is nawing on me:

In The Fellowship of The Ring, Gandolf is "delayed" by Saromon (forgive me if I mis-spelled his name), and his staff is taken. However, once they reach the elves, he is shown in a scene with his staff while the council bickers over who should destroy the ring.

Any thoughts?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
That didn't happen in the book.
Their consistency director fell asleep. Happens more than you would think.
I guess I should read the book... Out of curiosity, what did happen in the book?
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Only a foolish wizard wouldn't have a contingency staff.

lol, of course! I should have known; it's so OBVIOUS now!

@IWishIKnew I haven't read it in a while myself, I prefer early Tolkien (the Lost Tales etc). Just took a look - Saruman says he's no longer white, asks Gandalf to join, locks him up on the top of Orthanc, then Gwaihir shows up and carries Gandalf off to Edoras, as he said "I was sent to bear tidings not burdens".
No staff mentioned.

And yes, read the book, for Tom Bombadil's sake.
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closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
@Cubbi - you bring up the enigma of the century....exactly who or what is Tom? Tolkien's God incarnate?
IWishIKnew wrote:
Any thoughts?

Gnawing is spelled with two g's.
exactly who or what is Tom?
Eldest being in existence, according to both Gandalf and Tolkien.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Re: the staffs

Look closely at them, they are not the same staff.
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