News website

Hey guys.So today I just type news just to see what is going on around the world.To my suprise, I was taken to a website that lists mac addresses ip's.I cannot figure out whats going on.Does anyone know what this website is for?

That's not a valid URL OP. Check your hosts file to see if there is a redirect for that entry ("C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" this file does not have an extension so you will have to open it with your prefered text editor), or you could ping it and post back with the IP. Alternatively I suppose that it could be something hosted from your router or domain controller. Could you come back with a screenshot of the site? Are you on a home network? Office? School campus?
Interesting, that loads the homepage for my school's website. Now I'm going to look into this.
@ ResidentBiscuit: What's "interesting" about a DNS entry?
Because it's not news?
Because it's not news?

@ ResidentBiscuit: I stand corrected; that is a very good answer. This brings up the question of whether it is the same site or if it's something else like a test\development\push environment that just happens to have a stupid and not descriptive name.
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It's the same site, it's just an alias for it. No idea why someone did that.
At home I get , and at work I get "It works!" from one of the servers on the LAN. It seems everyone just does what they want with that name.
It does nothing for me. Also love the "It works!" encounter, that's Apache - I found it at my high school too.
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