Always hearing music

Some people get music stuck in their heads. I, on the other hand, cannot remember a single moment in my life where I have ever not had music playing in my head. Whether I pay attention to it or not, there's always some song or fragment playing in my head over and over again, and it changes usually depending on what I heard last or tried to remember last. Sometimes it just changes on its own and I don't understand why, but never has there been silence. There have been times where I have tried to force silence but I don't have the willpower for it. It's even there when I wake up.

Does anyone know what this is? Or is there anyone else with the same condition?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
Musical hallucinations?
I don't think I would be hallucinating 24/7. I don't hear the music the same way I hear actual sound, it's more like how you would remember a video.
stop listening to catchy music :P
This phenomenon dates back to my early childhood where I didn't really know any music other than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and My Country 'Tis Of Thee. I wouldn't exactly call those "catchy".
I have something similar - I always have a bit of music going in my head. Often it isn't even any song in particular, just a bit of music that I'm making up. I've kind of learn to filter it out though, sort of. Its still going, I just don't find it annoying or distracting - its just there. Is that the kind of thing you have?
LB wrote:
Does anyone know what this is? Or is there anyone else with the same condition?

Brains never sit still. I don't think anyone can ever think of "nothing"... we're all constantly thinking about things. For you... apparently you constantly think of music. =P

I usually conduct inner monologues during the day, and at night I pick from about a dozen stories that I made up and sort of act them out in my head until I fall asleep.

I've never heard of anyone constantly hearing music... but I don't think it's "weird" per se necessarily... just a different manifestation of something everyone does.

EDIT: misusing 'per se'. Corrected.
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