Trying to learn OpenGl

So I was recently learning c++ and I got to a point where I felt I could start multi-learning different tools, so I decided to learn an api or a form of one. And after some researching I decided on opengl!

So I downloaded the premake application and some tutorials to go along with a book I'm reading, "Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming". Which is a great book but I'm stuck on creating the build files for the tutorials. I've downloaded a free SDK and made library build files using premake and compliled them in codeblocks. I was even able to get the tutorials that were included in the kit to create project files and then compiled them. However I am unable to even make build files of a separate tutorial collection that I downloaded as per the directions in the beginning of the book.

When I try to premake the .lua tutorial files cmd returns "cannot open c:/........../OpenGlTutorials/glsdk/links.lua: No such file or directory" despite the file being right in my sdk folder with all my lib's. Do the libraries have to be in the same folder as my tutorials? I doubt that would be the case.

I can give more information too if necessary, not sure if I'm being too vague. I'm hoping some of you guys have some experience with these utilities.

I know the feeling- every attempt for me to do an OpenGL tutorial results in a million errors- usually because of reasons unknown to me. Try fiddling with your linker settings to see if you can't force it to include the library.
Alright well I have figured out what my problem was for anyone interested. Makes sense in hindsight as the error was stating that "there is no such file (c:/.......api's/opengltutorials/glsdk/links.lua) in directory (opengltutorials is that directory that contained the collection of tutorial files that I downloaded).
I had remembered reading somewhere that the library files didn't have to be in the same directory as the lua files (in my case the tutorials) you are trying to make build files for/ then compile. But I put a copy of the folder with my lib files in the tutorials directory anyways, to no avail. I realized that's because the lib folder was named sdk, only after I changed it to glsdk did it work.

Hope that wasn't too poorly explained/ confusing, hope it can help anyone in the same boat as I was
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