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  • How you doing my lovelies? been learning

How you doing my lovelies? been learning other languages so I been away and miss you, wheres your heads at these days?

I miss you guys, been a bit busy and I have a free day to sit and code, I just want to know who's on here at the moment and whut projects your on and how youl doin? wheres your head at? whats life like at the mo?

want to do a mini project on da git hub?

Big love

Here is where I am. Always. For the lurks is my life.
closed account (D80DSL3A)
Dead thread. Nevermind...
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Still here! Come hangout at out irc.quakenet.org #cplusplus

I'm working on a few things: AI project, new website, and IRC spider for an eventual search engine.
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