Girls on this forum

Pages: 12
"The Forever War" is a classic hard sci-fi story that I really can't do justice for with a summary. It's $5 USD on Kindle and I really cannot recommend it enough:

At one point in the story though the protagonist comes back to Earth and roughly half of the planet identifies as gay due to the UN encouraging it in order to curb the worlds population or something like that. Because of this, people invented a new pronoun to call each other so as not to offend anyone by referring to them by a gender that they do not identify with. It's really a very small part of the book and has little to nothing to do with the main story-line except to emphasize how much time has passed and things have changed since the main character is travelling through space at near light speed. There might be some deeper meaning behind it, such as identifying the culture shock that veterans experience when they come home from a foreign war. But over analyzing books like that kills the story for me.
On the case of male being "default": I've heard of people starting to use womyn. I don't know if the people who came up with this came up with one for female but they use that instead of woman.
I've heard of people starting to use womyn.

Nobody who uses that word is taken seriously. They're a walking joke.
Disch wrote:
Nobody who uses ["womyn"] is taken seriously. They're a walking joke.

IMO, they damage their cause by splitting hairs over things like that (which is far from the only thing that damages their cause). I could go on and on about the issues I have with third-wave radical feminism. It's probably best that I stop lurking in this thread.


EDIT: Disambiguation.
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I agree @ Albatross

(Not at the part about you staying out of the thread -- but about everything else you said)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it was the right thing to do. I was just pointing out that it had been done.
Womyn is the correct term, herstorically-speaking as well as femantically. When referring to someone of indeterminate gender, the correct pronouns are "schklee", "schkler" and "shklerself".
lol chrisname.
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Pages: 12