Do you think smoking herbs (weed) is a good idea after studying?

Pages: 123
Drugs like benzodiazepines and barbiturates have well-documented potential for abuse, harm and addiction. Yet LSD is totally illegal despite well-established psychotherapeutic benefits and the other two are available by prescription. Go figure.

I feel like saying checkmate and shaking everybody's hand.

IIRC there are studies that cannabis also has no real long term effects and memory will recover in time while off the drug, gradually.

Though I have to say, if there were no illegal drugs, a good portion of police budget would be cut. At the end of the day if theres no crime there would be no need for control.
But then you'd have the occasional meth junkie running around and shooting people because "they can do anything." Not to mention the large amount of those dying from overdose.
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Not to mention the large amount of those dying from overdose.

More people die of cancer then people do overdosing, yet more budget is put into "Catching dem cooks" then money spent on finding cures for something that can happen to anyone.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but it's worth thinking about.
LSD is a very scary drug IMO. Maybe people haven't overdosed from it, but plenty of people on LSD have commited suicide, mutilated themselves, or have gone on murder sprees.

Besides that, it's use by the CIA, and in cults for mind control purposes make it an extra creepy drug. For example, the Mansion family were heavy LSD users. Here is what Charles Mansion had to say about it,

The Family took LSD on a regular basis. According to Charlie, "When you take LSD enough times you reach a state of nothing, of no thought." Linda Kasabian, who became the prosecution's star witness against the Family in exchange for total inmunity, allegedly took over 300 trips of acid and could not distinguish "fact from fantasy."

I would be extremely weary of drugs that can take the you out of you, or change your point of view permanently. It's not always a good change that happens to you. Plenty of people become weirdos and crazies thinking they had some profound trip.

And regular marijuana smokers tend ( not all ) to be lazy, unmotivated, messy, disorganized and flaky. It's pretty much a recipe for academic failure.
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LSD is a very scary drug IMO.

I have to agree, I've had a few "trips" in my time, none of them was to the beach I'll tell you.

I think it's depending on where you are; I had taken LSD at night clubs, the loud music and crowded places made me feel very scared, paranoid. I could separate the trip from reality though.

Although my friend, I think, will either get sectioned or commit suicide (like you said) before they get to him.

I think the weirdest thing in my life happened a few months back when he "randomly" bumped into me. He followed me about, spoke some rubbish etc.

At some point we were walking over a bridge, I asked him for the time;

He responded: "What? Now?"

Then he hoisted himself up on to the bridge. Through shock I grabbed him by the shoulder and ripped him off the bridge.

I said "What the **** are you doing?"

And the most bizarre thing said to me in my life was;

"Oh, just fish."

Fatal overdoses on drugs like crystal meth, cocaine and even heroin are actually not common at all. Alcohol poisoning is far more common, and not just because so many more people are using it. Tobacco related illnesses, which can be fatal, are also relatively common. The real harm potential with illegal substances is addictiveness, although cocaine is actually not very addictive, but heroin and meth certainly are. You can spend hundreds of dollars per day feeding a heroin or meth habit. Also, with the newer "designer drugs" such as the 25x-NBOMe and DOx psychedelics, there is a big risk because the toxic doses are not known and they are active at such low doses (sometimes micrograms) that you need special scales to weigh them. If you insufflated (snorted) 25i-NBOMe powder that someone judged by eye to be 1 mg, but is actually 2 mg, you would probably die. It's also not known what the long term effects could be: long-term MDMA use was found to be neurotoxic and ketamine damages your bladder with heavy use. These NBOMes are chemically similar to MDMA and have some similar side-effects (such as hyperthermia) so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that they can cause brain damage like MDMA can (if used irresponsibly).

If you are going to do drugs, stick to the "classics", such as LSD, mescaline (peyote), psilocybin (shrooms) and DMT. These psychedelics have never been associated with harmful effects besides the possibility of a bad trip. They also have spiritual and introspective effects which the newer ones lack - the trips on research chems are very "shallow"; the novelty of seeing fractals and colours wears off pretty quickly.

Cocaine is also relatively safe, contrary to popular belief, although you need to purify it because the purity on the street is around 10% and the other 90% may be dangerous. Supposedly, cocaine is quite easy to purify using a process called "acetone wash".

htirwin wrote:
LSD is a very scary drug IMO.

Well, for one thing, you have probably not had real LSD. It has been quite rare since the largest supplier in the world was arrested several years ago. Most likely, you had something like 2C, DOx or an NBOMe. The easiest way to tell is the taste - LSD is tasteless whereas most of these phenethylamines have a very strong/ bitter, chemically taste (although some people get a metallic taste while tripping, the doses of LSD are far too tiny to be tasted, it's a hallucination of sorts). The taste test is not perfect though - there's a research chem called Bromo-Dragonfly that is active at small enough doses to be tasteless, but you would know if you had that, because the trip can be very tormenting and can last for up to three days. These designer drugs are dangerous, not just physically, but also mentally. Real LSD is a relatively lucid trip for most people, but I've had DOx once and it was quite frightening, although still life-changing in an ultimately positive way, I think.

For another thing, with psychedelics, of utmost importance is "set and setting". Set is your mindset going into the trip. Psychedelics have a tendency to amplify thoughts and feelings, and while it can be very useful for introspection, if you're going through some bad times, taking psychedelics (or amphetamines and cocaine) is a bad idea (unless taken with minor tranquillisers/anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs), such as benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium), which I have had to take a couple of times due to temporary paranoia). Setting is the environment you're in. You'd be surprised how important it can be - I've had to change music before because the music was giving me horrible anxiety (and I had no diazepam) even though it was one of my favourite bands.

I would be extremely weary of drugs that can take the you out of you

You don't really even need drugs for that. Brainwashing techniques are horrifyingly effective, it is quite terrifying how easily a person's entire identity can be erased and replaced. Drugs would make it much easier, but you would still need a bad influence, someone to guide the victim. Most people find that psychedelics are a positive influence on their lives; even a bad trip can teach you much about yourself. Psilocybin is supposed to be particularly effective for that. I have found low doses of ketamine particularly useful for introspection because of its dissociative and ego suppressive effects - you dissociate just enough that you are still completely lucid, but you can be completely honest with yourself without feeling bad. I always thought I was honest with myself and very introspective but with dissociative drugs it's an entirely different level. You take your ego completely out of the equation. With very high doses, you can even kill it entirely.

And regular marijuana smokers tend ( not all ) to be lazy, unmotivated, messy, disorganized and flaky. It's pretty much a recipe for academic failure.

Yeah, but I think you have the causal chain backwards. I think lazy people tend to smoke marijuana more, rather than that marijuana smoking causes people to become lazy. In my experience, it was mostly assholes who gravitated towards drugs early on.
Do you think eating a cake after going jogging is a good idea?

Your answer is really quite obvious.
Do you think eating a cake after going jogging is a good idea?

Totally off topic but that reminded me. Something the seniors would do in marching band where I went to high school is try to convince freshman during band camp that the best thing they can do before rehearsal is to drink a gallon of milk. Someone always fell for it. And when we jogged a few laps around the school, we knew who it was.
What are you really asking?
it depends
why do people keep creating accounts to post to this thread?
closed account (N36fSL3A)
They're all actually just one person.
... taking psychedelics (or amphetamines and cocaine) is a bad idea (unless taken with minor tranquillisers/anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs), such as benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium), ...

Effect wise, this sounds dangerously like a powerball chrisname, I don't think that's the kind of thing that should be encouraged.

megatron 0 said:
Though I have to say, if there were no illegal drugs, a good portion of police budget would be cut. At the end of the day if theres no crime there would be no need for control.

I don't see how that could possibly be true. If cops didn't have to spend so much time and so many resources raiding drug dens and drop points then we might see a reduction in the budget. But it wouldn't be anything significant since those same officers would be needed elsewhere to address public intoxication, domestic issues caused by these substances and keeping this kind of stuff out of the hands of minors. My point is that there is some logic to why these substances are prohibited*, it's not just some temperance movement headed by grumpy old men. Some people just can't control themselves and the greater the high, the more unpredictable they become. Since there is really no way to determine who those people are ahead of time, these drugs are denied to everyone by default.

*: Except for pot, that one was simply a brilliant move made by the tobacco barons to kill a competing product before ever got off the ground and make demand for their goods inelastic. Don't get me wrong, they were absolute bastards for it, but from a purely capitalistic point of view I have to give credit where credit is due.
Computergeek01 wrote:
Effect wise, this sounds dangerously like a powerball chrisname, I don't think that's the kind of thing that should be encouraged.

Generally, depressant+stimulant is safer than stimulant+stimulant or depressant+depressant. A speedball (cocaine+heroin) in particular is dangerous because the stimulant effects of cocaine cancel out the depressant effects of heroin, which encourages you to take more heroin, to the point of what would be an overdose without the stimulant effects of the cocaine. But cocaine wears off far more quickly than heroin, and now you have only the depressant effects of the heroin overdose operating on you, so you die from respiratory failure. If you took a dose of heroin that was safe by itself and a dose of cocaine that was safe by itself, you would be safe, it's only because people are encouraged to overdose on one because the effects are muted by the other that it's dangerous. The same is true of caffeine with alcohol.

Also, I didn't actually mean to imply amphetamines and cocaine should be taken with benzodiazepines. What I meant to say was that psychedelics should be taken with benzos [if the person is anxious], because psychedelics (like amphetamines and cocaine) can amplify anxiety. Generally you would take benzos during the come-down from a stimulant, and that would be safe so long as the dose was the same dose you would take normally. The first thing a doctor would give you following stimulant (or psychedelic) overdose would be intravenous benzodiazepines.

But thanks for pointing out my error. I try to provide accurate and detailed information about drugs because people are going to do them whether they're legal or not, and with them being illegal, it's difficult to find information that's neither lies from lackadaisical drug dealers nor propaganda from fear-mongering authorities.

If recreational drugs were legal but regulated, there would probably be much better information available for harm reduction. For all their faults, Big Pharma is at least much less short-sighted about potentially killing their own customer base than the guy on your street corner who sells cocaine cut with speed. Imagine: you get a sterile needle and a detailed pamphlet describing the common, uncommon and rare side-effects, possible drug interactions, and a guarantee of 100% purity so you don't do shit like accidentally tripling the dose because you usually get 30% pure heroin and this time it's 60% because someone along the way forgot to cut it.
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A speedball (cocaine+heroin) in particular is dangerous because the stimulant effects of cocaine cancel out the depressant effects of heroin, which encourages you to take more heroin, to the point of what would be an overdose without the stimulant effects of the cocaine.

That's how one of my favorite drummers died. It's a shame too, he was one of the best and one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

If cops didn't have to spend so much time and so many resources raiding drug dens and drop points then we might see a reduction in the budget. But it wouldn't be anything significant since those same officers would be needed elsewhere to address public intoxication, domestic issues caused by these substances and keeping this kind of stuff out of the hands of minors.

You don't think all of those are also created laws for control measures? Like getting fined for not wearing a seatbelt, getting fined for throwing cigarette nubs on the floor, getting fined if your child does not go to school to receive controlled information.

An example:

It is illegal to eat Mute Swan unless you're the Queen of Great Britain. The Queen and two livery companies (Vitners and Dryers) own all the Mute Swans in England and only the Queen and her invited diners may actually eat them as can guests of St. John's College Cambridge. Mute swans are protected under the wildlife and countryside act of 1981. Anyone found guilty of killing them faces a £5,000 fine or up to six months in prison.

6 months imprisonment, £5000 fine. 1 swan.

The way I see it, all law is created by man. Man is not the definitive of the universe. Man does not have any right to make law. As a man, I have the right to live my life as I see fit and any and all who cross my path may stand with me, or stand aside.

Greeks and Romans were the face of "Civilisation". Civilisations full of laws, legislations, houses and factions. Yet who built these places? Slaves.

We still live in the remnants of a failing Roman society. How? Back when men were men, a man were appointed chieftain of his tribe by both strength and intelligence. This man was the idol of the tribe, a man courageous in battle and on the front line in war. Now the people who lead us are old and weak. In reality, myself being 21, I could kill Cameron, Obama and Putin single handedly in open combat. Which would probably put an end to most problems that will be caused in the near future. That, IMO, is why they need a police force. Anyone who thinks the police are here to protect us is a fool. The rich and righteous will always come first.

I look around this filth, fatness and disgust. It angers me to see the human race fall to the same level as rats. Living in holes, scurrying for scraps.

Because of this reason, and this reason alone I reject all law no matter how logical or illogical as it is the true face of man.

I am not saying I am pro war, pro guns, pro drugs, or more importantly as it seems, pro killing. I have done everything I have been able to do to keep people safe, I have even paid a cab for someone who was that drunk he couldn't talk, while everybody else would walk away. Not that I applaud him for getting so wasted, but because I know we all have our reasons to not want to be in reality.

I feel like I've gone terribly off-topic from my original point, I was going to delete and cancel but I thought it a waste. So I'll leave it here.


If cops didn't have to spend so much time and so many resources raiding drug dens and drop points then we might see a reduction in the budget. But it wouldn't be anything significant since those same officers would be needed elsewhere to address public intoxication, domestic issues caused by these substances and keeping this kind of stuff out of the hands of minors.

Sure, you're right.
@megatron 0
What you're complaining about are the effects of hierarchy. Illogical laws is one of it war/hunger another.

I could kill Cameron, Obama and Putin single handedly in open combat. Which would probably put an end to most problems that will be caused in the near future.
No, just sharing resources and power amongst more people (i.e. more democracy) will help
No, just sharing resources and power amongst more people (i.e. more democracy) will help

You are right, but they don't share resources, they fight for them, or they pay for them in "honest business" while they all plan to kill each other.

What you're complaining about are the effects of hierarchy. Illogical laws is one of it war/hunger another.

I wouldn't say I've been complaining, I think I've lost all hope in our race and it will be this way forever the way people are going. I just expected more, you know? I want the best for my son, I feel guilty for bringing him to this planet.
I think problems are just part of the human condition. Whenever you try to fix one problem, you will upset a dozen more. The best you can do is live your life in spite of the law as best you can, and just be glad you live somewhere that at least won't execute you if they catch you at it.

megatron 0 wrote:
I could kill Putin single handedly in open combat

This is where you and reality must shake hands and politely part ways.
I think problems are just part of the human condition.

I used to think the same, but throughout my life I have found that problems don't really exist, we just make them, then try to fix them. I find nothing wrong with living in a cave wearing a bear pelt. In fact, I'd prefer it.

This is where you and reality must shake hands and politely part ways.

I think I left reality long ago. But judging by this:

My youth and stamina, my several years experience in Shotokan, 3 years of boxing and a couple of years of bare knuckle gypsy fighting I'd give him no more than a 3 minute bout before I part his neck from his skull. I'm not your average programmer. In fact, if you saw me, you wouldn't think I was IT literate, heh.

Unless he is a secret Batman or something, then I guess I'm screwed. But I always back myself in a fist fight.

Unless I've completely got the wrong end of the stick here.
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