Help With GitHub

I'm just starting out with GitHub. I've Googled a bunch of different terms but nothing answered my question. Yesterday I got my project up on my repository. So I've updated my project and want to update the repository. My question is do I just do the same thing I did when I initially uploaded it? I mean there's no different files or anything. All the updates are within files already on the repo. Another question is, how do I look at the old code after I've updated? Or how do I find which update I want to go back to if I accidentally screw it up? This may be unclear. If so just ask and I will try to clarify. Thanks!
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My question is do I just do the same thing I did when I initially uploaded it?

To update your code in the online repo you need to follow these steps.

1. Add the files you made changes in to the staging area.
2. Commit those changes to your local version.
3. Push the changes to your online repo.

So basically Add->Commit->Push. All Git tutorials out there should show how to do this. I would also recommend if you are new to Git try and get the hang of it first by using GUI client which simplifies things a bit and gives you graphical cues as to what is changes and what the commands do. If you are on Mac or Windows I would recommend SourceTree which is a great Git client.

Here is a good tutorial that I used also to learn Git
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Does this work even if there are no new files, only changes to the already present files?
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