javascript editor

I downloaded Free JavaScript editor :

Description : Free JavaScript editor

Company : Yaldex Software

Version :

but when I tried to write some codes in it and clicked the run (execute) button , the run button did not work . The debugger of this editor does not work too and Js Syntax Check in debugging option is unable to detect the errors in my script. I made some research on the problem and contact the website of the Software but they did not respond me and I did not find the source of these errors in Google. So I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me why the run button does not work and what is the problem with this software.

Another question : Could you , please , tell me where I can find a good JavaScript debugger that is not complicated and able of detecting and correcting my errors, simple and clear which I can download
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Some browsers have decent built-in javascript debugging.
On Chrome, you can place breakpoints and step code (Also, errors and messages are logged to the output console).
If you're working on pure JS code, you can create an empty HTML page and build your code inside a simple <script> tag.
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You could also use aptana as an ide
I downloaded aptana studio 3 with git and when I used it , it was more harmful than useful

1) Before I downloaded it , my computer was quick and after I downloaded it my computer do not respond anymore and it becomes slow

2)aptana studio 3 takes a lot of time to launch

3)I used it with Mozilla Firefox last version but to my surprise Mozilla became slow and did not respond anymore

4)aptana gives this error :"Socket connection error. Please try shutting down and restarting your web browser, and then run 'debug' again.
Accept timed out" and when I shut down Mozilla firefox and restart it then run debug I got the same error again and again

5)and it gives 'Launching Firefox - Internal Server' has encountered a problem. Socket connection error. Please try shutting down and restarting your web browser, and then run 'debug' again.

So I will not use it .

Any other suggestion about a good JavaScript editor with a good debugger I can download so that it can detect my errors so that I can correct them???

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chrome has a great javascript debugger built in. For a good editor, I'd recommend notepad++. It's a universal programmer's text editor, lots of features, lots of plugins.
Aptana worked perfectly fine for me, maybe you installed a version that is not compatible with your computer? There is also sublime if you want to use that for an editor.
Sublime is an excellent editor which runs on all major operating systems. It has a huge amount of plugins that are very simple to install. There even appears to be a decent looking JavaScript debugging plugin
The version I installed is compatible with my computer : It worked : When I click the run button in Aptana it compiles my script and show me the output . The problem is that Aptana made my computer and Mozilla Firefox very very slow (to the point that they both stuck and do not respond anymore) and when I tried to debug my script it gave me the two errors I already mentioned.

Besides Aptana is not a Javascript editor . Aptana is an IDE program .

Thanks anyway.

I will look for both notepad++ and sublime.

I looked for both Notepad++ and SublimeWebInspector

Notepad++ does not have a debugger that looks for the errors in the script . It does not have even a debug option . It does have a run option but when you click on it , a box ,where it is written " the program to run" appears and you need to precise the program you want to run in your computer. But it does not serve me to run the program if I do not know the errors inside it that is if I cannot debug it . The plugin manager in Notepad++ does have a debug plugin named Jslint but , in the context of artificial intelligence , it is useless and inefficient : it is based on a literal detection of errors that is a false positive detection of errors which is worthless because it does not strike in the essence of the code but in its superficiality : For example Jslint gave me a false positive error like this (Line 1, column 1: Expected '(end)' and instead saw '<!'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
) meanwhile when I wrote , intentionally , the name "function" like that "finction" Jslint does not detect it as an error . Jslint is not powerful. I consider it a stupid program and far from being useful. There is another plugin in Notepad++ namely DBGp but it is not powerful and it does not even detect errors.

SublimeWebinspector works for google chrome and is a web inspector more than a pure script debugger . I am not using chrome . I am using Firefox . I am married with Firefox and I love it . Firefox has too a web inspector tool but it is a "web" inspector not a script debugger.

I would like to have more suggestion about a javascript editor with a good debugger . Any more suggestion??
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Using notepad++

Under the menu Run there should be an option for 'Launch in Firefox' Keyboard shortcut is CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X

In Firefox version 35.0, press F12. It brings up the inspector, but there are other tabs. Console (javascript console), Debugger, Style Editor (for editing CSS format style on a webpage), Performance (webpage profiler, can be used to profile Javascript code), Network (details network operations of webpage)

However, as you're content with Firefox, I should note that Mozilla recently launched Firefox Developer Edition.

edit: the keyboard shortcut in regular firefox to bring up the debugger is CTRL-SHIFT-S

Also, firefox includes a WebIDE but it's specifically designed for making Firefox OS apps. Those are written in HTML5/CSS/Javascript. So you could use it for your javascript experiments if you so choose. Default keyboard shortcut to launch WebIDE in Firefox version 34 and up, is SHIFT-F8

Oh, and, I don't remember if it's there by default. But there is a menu icon for pulling up the developer menu in firefox. If you click the menu icon (3 vertically stacked bars) and don't see a wrench labled 'Developer', click the button at the bottom of that menu that says 'Customize' Then drag the wrench icon over to the menu.
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Thank you for these data but none of them work as a debugging editor which detects errors for pure JavaScript codes written in notepad. Anyway I will try to make more research to find the appropriate debugger :)
Post some pure javascript code you wrote in notepad. I'll take some screenshots of me debugging it in Firefox.

edit: I really shouldn't be getting frustrated with this. It's not like it directly affects me...
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Hell I'm getting frustrated and I'm not even involved. OP, if nothing we suggest works then go to a JavaScript forum and ask. We have all answered your question but if nothing is good enough, then seek help from an actual JavaScript community.
I do not like hypocrisy . I am the type of person who says the word in the face regardless the fact either it is welcomed or not . If what others give me did not work -not as I want it to work but as it must work- then I cannot say :"
what you give me work for me" meanwhile , it does not work indeed . I cannot lie . If what they give me does not work then it does not work . Even if it does not work , the data they gave me were useful to me and I already thanked them for what they gave and they deserve my thanks and again thank you guys.

"Hell I'm getting frustrated and I'm not even involved"

So learn to control your emotions before posting something .

best regards
Dude, go find a js forum. It's that easy..
So learn to control your emotions before posting something .

or you know... go post this in the proper place, like a js forum.

If what others give me did not work -not as I want it to work but as it must work- then I cannot say :"
what you give me work for me" meanwhile , it does not work indeed . I cannot lie . If what they give me does not work then it does not work .

yo dawg. we heard you like work so we put work in your work so you can work while you work
I do not like hypocrisy . I am the type of person who says the word in the face regardless the fact either it is welcomed or not .

If a person points you to a hammer when you ask for something to drive nails and you can't make it work, maybe the problem isn't the tool.
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