Meetups, Hackathons, Social Stuff

Are you all parts of any meetup groups or anything related to software development? Have you had good luck meeting cool people?

I've been to one, but it was a hardware hacking style meetup group, most of the folks were ... interesting :)

So I'm thinking about starting up a new group, but not sure how to get people involved! You all have any ideas? Maybe showcase an exciting project or something, or an important developer? What would prompt you all to join a meetup group?
> Are you all parts of any meetup groups or anything related to software development?

No, I find them predictably boring. It can get amusing when the autistic people show up and try to out knowledge/code each other.

> What would prompt you all to join a meetup group?

A buffet, tables and chairs, a few laptops around with interesting code, elevator music playing subtly in the background and you are set. Perhaps even some blow up anime characters if you really want to impress.
What would be interesting to see would be something like two teams battling in a multiplayer game, where half of each team are actually playing/battling, while the other half are having the game to create interesting advantages.

but imagine if it was all in a higher up system which disables the hacks after 10s and prevents the same one being used again
SatsumaBenji wrote:
What would be interesting to see would be something like two teams battling in a multiplayer game, where half of each team are actually playing/battling, while the other half are having the game to create interesting advantages.

That would potentially be unbelievably fun; but you would have to have a very well thought out rule book as thick as my torso. Otherwise my opening move is to set static routes on my team while I have a rouge DNS ARP hole the LAN and tell all of the systems on your team that the server name resolves to loop-back. My team wins by default because yours never showed up and I haven't even touched anyone's firewall yet. Although scanning firewalls would probably be a little redundant since, ostensibly, I know of at least one open port and the protocol that it is using based on what ever game we are running. Could I do anything cooler then a DoS with that? Maybe, but probably not. That would depend on the age of the game I guess, what framework it used, and whether or not the good little boys and girls playing have been running their updates.

but imagine if it was all in a higher up system which disables the hacks after 10s and prevents the same one being used again

What is this wishful thinking? Sure, you can reset everything every ten seconds but my script is going to reapply it every 10 ms.
That wishful thinking is just pure imagination XD
I never expect to see anything like this happen but it sure would be pretty fun
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