Cplusplus book

I would like to say that this website (and its content) is by far the best resource when it comes to learning C++. I was wondering if there are plans for a book that simply mirrors the website content? I would gladly purchase one and would have no problem in paying up to $100 for it. The existing one is a bit outdated. Once again, great job!
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Check that out although it's not related to this site, that site is also supercool.

Thanks Aceix. I think I will stick with the http://www.cplusplus.com and I would sure love it if they published a book.
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OP wrote:
I think I will stick with the http://www.cplusplus.com and I would sure love it if they published a book.

It's fine to have a default\go-to reference for stuff. But cross referencing is necessary to understand something, especially if you are self taught.
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http://stackoverflow.com/q/6520052 there are certain issues with the cplusplus.com reference. cppreference would be a much better choice

was anyone aware that we had a twitter feed? https://twitter.com/cpluspluscom
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have and have, I mean, the twitter account looks as dead as an undead dead man.
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