Trying to compile OpenSSL with GNU Make for Windows? Fix here!

I know this will sound silly, but it took me a lot of googling and mixing.

Been having some issues while manually compiling OpenSSL with GNU Make for Windows.
OpenSSL does not add implicit rules for C compilation, and the GNU Make for Windows defaults to G++, causing errors (mostly, missing include files).

You could go around all makefiles and add all the default rules, one at a time, or you can follow my lead:

Create a text file, with a name you can recognize.
Place it in your openssl-x.y.z directory.
It will contain our C rules, I named it makefile.c_rules_fix.

Paste this inside:
%.o: %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

Create a batch file in the same directory, with these contents:

export MAKEFILES=$(PWD)/makefile.c_rules_fix
echo Adapt the following command for your system.
echo To build a static library, remove shared.
echo To build for mingw32, use "mingw".
echo Run ./Configure for more.
./Configure shared mingw64
make depend
make install

Open a MSYS prompt and run the batch file.
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Wouldn't overriding the variable on the command line also be an option? I haven't tried it for OpenSSL in particular, but this has worked for me in the past.
Not for OpenSSL. They have some really weird stuff going on.
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