Getting started with opengl

So I want to get started with opengl, but I have some questions first:

- I'm on linux, and I see all these things like GLUT and mesa, and I was wondering what they are, are they cross platform (will I be able to port my game to windows/mac)

- Any good installation tutorials (linux) (also If anyone could link me to good documentation tutorials that would be great! )?

- And which version is the best to use?

Mesa :


In before anyone jumps on OP about not Googling this himself; SourceForge has been going up and down like a punk for a while now and Wikipedia should not be a primary source.

I don't remember either of these tools being noticeably painful to compile and that was on Windows where there is notoriously little support for this kind of thing. I'd say try it first then ask for help if you need it, but that's just me.

Always use the latest version of OpenGl that your GPU will support.
This is a great and easy way to get a cross-platform OpenGL context up and running, and you also get cross-platform input and windowing support as well.

As Computergeek01 said, use the latest version your GPU will support. Arcsynthesis has pretty decent opengl tutorials, so does .
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