Name of gameboy...?

Hello guys, so recently I have been wondering what this thing was called, I will try to draw a picture of it and describe it as best as I can. Basically it was like a gameboy( but well cheaper at the time and simpler. It was taller than the gameboy and the buttons closely matched it. It was vertical and had a vertical screen, 4 little buttons under the screen to pause and change game mode and stuff. Arrow buttons on the left of it just like the gameboy and another 2 buttons(it might be 1 button I can't really get a clear image of that) on the right(again like the gameboy).

These were very cheap back in the day(can't find them anywhere these days) and had games A-Z. So you selected the game you wanted to play by going through the letters. A stupid drawing is below and I hope someone can grab it on google for me as I would like to pick one up and create simple console version of it.
Thank you
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There were (and still are) so many products that match your description that to find exactly which one you are referring to would be near impossible. I'm not saying your description is vague - it's actually very specific, but the problem is that so many companies jumped on this bandwagon and saturated the market with handheld gaming products that you could be describing any one of them and we'd never know the difference.
(Everyone should go watch Ashens and the quest for the Game Child)
If you don't know who Ashens is then you have something to do for the day!
@LB You're correct, just came to that after googling for a long time. I can't really tell you what was different about these ones other than that it was taller than the gameboy and the screen was vertical. It also had the same button layout as the one Duoas suggested. I thinking this one didn't have a name as there were so many, it had no brand name. Some just had cartoons on them.

@Duoas Nope, though this seems interesting as well, gonna take a further look.

I think these stuff didn't have a name as LB said there were many of the same kind(they are all the same just no branding). My best bet would be to hop in one of those €2 shops. If anyone has any suggestions and can find a link of it please do let me know.
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You can't really reproduce stuff like the Game Child on the console. These things didn't even use pixels. The graphics were drawn (as in, by a human) directly on the LCD and animation was produced by turning on and off different LCD cells. This produced basically a very high-resolution but completely static display.
> These were very cheap back in the day
¿like 15 years ago?
¿are you referring to this ?

I remember it had racecar, arkanoid, lights up, snake and tetris, with variants for each of them.
@ne555 Yes that's what I was referring to :D, Thanks so much just gotta find on amazon or eBay.

Yea I remember as well, there were like 2-3 variants of some games.

Found it on amazon, basically its called brick game 9999 in 1.
Thanks again mate
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