Binary conversion?

Hey guys can I get some help on how to convert base 10 to base 2?

I'm trying to convert 2016(base10) into ?(base2)

I'm not sure what to do help? Can someone teach me a really good method?
The usual method is to find the largest power of two which can be subtracted from tne number without producing a negative. You then subtract that power of two and write a 1 to the left hand side of your answer. You then loop through all the powers of two from the one you just subtracted, all the way to 2^0. Each time, if the power of two is greater than the number, write a zero on the right hand side of your answer, if it isn't, subtract the power of two from the number and write a 1. If you want a fixed length binary number, start with 2^number of digits-1.
eg 114 to an 8 bit binary number:
128 > 114 --------------------->0
64 < 114 114 - 64 = 50 ----->1
32 < 50 50 - 32 = 18 -------->1
16 < 18 18 - 16 = 2 ---------->1
8 > 2 ---------------------------->0
4 > 2 ---------------------------->0
2 = 2 2 - 2 = 0 ----------------->1
1 > 0 ---------------------------->0

Hence 114 converts to 01110010. You can remove the leading zeros and start with 64 rather than 128 if the length of binary number is not specified.
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