Linux kernel

Is it possible to run the linux kernel on its own and then write some C commands for it, or do I need a shell?
I don't know the details of a typical Linux OS in much detail, but I would guess at the very least you'd need the kernel, some drivers, a shell, and a compiler. Also preferably a text editor to actually write in.
What would a compiler be used for?
Yes I know it compiles duh, but lets say I write hello world.cpp what would be the output?? What difference would it make
The output would be an executable program. The difference it would make is a C++ source is not executable until it is compiled.
One more question, could I compile it to my own file extension or is there a specific one I have to compile it to?
You can name your file (of which the file extension is part) whatever you wish. File extensions in Linux do not have the significance of file extensions in Windows.
Well thanks very much for your help. At least that's one thing settled!
What IDE do you use anyways?
Visual Studio can develop everything in the world.
Yeah I have the same. I just use it because it looks neat
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