Age in IT.

What is the aversge age of programmers in IT companies you work (or worked) at? I saw lots of sites that say that average age is 25 or 28. But I want to hear the opinion of people who work as a programmer and know the age of people he works with. So, tell me please. Are there many people who are over or under 30? Are there people over 40?
I did a government-related blog for this actually. Believe it or not, the average age is 30.

Some spring chickens are becoming more populous, but the mean numbers speak well:

Check it out if anyone is interested:

EDIT: By the way, I'm new here! Hi, Belinda and anyone else! _0--
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Can't speak for entire companies, but team by team I think it's a function of the prior experience expected of new joiners. The teams I've been on average to perhaps age 40
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