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  • Most popular C++ books in school! (Not t

Most popular C++ books in school! (Not the best)

Hi everyone, i assume that this is the best c++ book list:

But i want to know, in your opinion,(according) to your experience here on this forum and at school, what are the most popular books used in Colleges/Universities?


Thanks! :]
> what are the most popular books used in Colleges/Universities?

Varies from country to country.

In the US, look for introductory books with the remarkable combination of suspect quality and exorbitant price.

Where I live (India), look for books which have a low-priced Indian reprint.
For instance, C++ Primer (Lippman et al) is commonly used; but Stroustrup's PPP isn't.
@JLBorges thanks for your answer! :]
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