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In which areas do you think developers need more backing?

We're running the 15th edition of our Developer Economics survey and we invite you to let the world know what you think matters now and what you're doing next.

What do you wish others knew about the software industry?
Which skills are a must-have for developers today?
In which areas do you think developers need more backing?

Not only do you have a chance to influence the next trends, but you also get perks for participating too:

- A chance to win valuable prizes: iPhone X, Samsung S9 Plus, GitHub developer plans, Udemy vouchers and more
- Copy of the State of the Developer Nation 15th edition report with the key findings of the survey (coming up in Q3 2018), so you know how your responses match with other developers
- Access to Developer Benchmarks, showing you Q2 2018 developer trends in your region

Also, if you are into Sci-fi, this survey is for you! Complete the survey to find out your intergalactic developer alter-ego! http://vmob.me/DE2Q18gen-gp
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