Multichannel Mixing


I'm trying to help a friend of mine with a audio project. My audio-knowledge ist pretty limited so I'm here to ask some questions :)

We have 2 rooms with 7 active speakers which are connected to a usb audio interface (AI). We want to send "atmospheric" music which runs on 4 of them at the start. Then there are trigger points which leads to specials sounds which will be played on just one.

We want to play mono-audio on just specific channels of the AI. Best platform would be a RasPi. The AI will be linux-compatible but we are searching for the best solution.

I checked a couple project of others and found out that RTAudio should be the best. There are programs like Max7 which can provide this kind of feature, so it should be possible.

My simple question is "am I correct?" or is there a better solution than RTAudio? If anyone of you know some sample projects, I would highly appreciate it.

Kindly regards,
I'm not sure what problem you think RTAudio solves. RTAudio is just an API to send samples to an audio device, like WASAPI on Windows, or ALSA on Linux. If you don't have specific latency requirements you can use just about anything to accomplish the same thing. What makes you think RTAudio is "the best"?

By pure chance, lately I've been thinking of doing a similar project. I want to set up a Pi with a pair of really nice stereo speakers so I can stream audio from any of several computers. The point of the Pi is that it can be always-on without raising my electricity bill.
How are you going to send audio to your Pi?
Well I think you misunderstood me (could be my weak english skills). I have to send diffrent AudioData to diffrent speakers(AI-Channels). At the worst part 7 speakers 7 diffrent sounds playing simultaneously, all "managed" by the pi.
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7-channel audio is not made up of 7 different sounds, it's a single sound stream made up of 7 different waveforms, just like how stereo sound is a single sound stream made of up of two different waveforms. Whether the waveforms are correlated or not is completely irrelevant.

I understood you perfectly. What makes you think I didn't?
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