
What a PoS forum.

Having a limit is one thing.

Having it just throw away your entire post without so much as a by your leave is another thing entirely.

At least give people a chance to edit their post to within limits first.

We've all been there, and know your pain :(

Gotta copy-paste it as a learned habit.
Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Submit.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
If we were paying for access to these fora the problems that occur would be deplorable.

This is a free service, with an admin that is pretty much an absentee landlord. One day he could decide to just pull the whole thing and *POOF*

Annoying, yes, but not something to get all bent out of shape about.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Submit.

The times I forgot to follow this sage advice, my own fault when my carefully crafted pearls of wisdom go *POOF*

Ok, more like manuals of mediocrity, but it still is my problem I didn't do what I knew was required to correct a known problem.
I sense some greasemonkey hackery in the future.

In main.js
function BBEdit(elParent, fields, action, hiddens, onOk, onCancel) {
  var holder = this.el.getElementsByTagName('span') [0];
  holder.appendChild(btn('Preview', 'Preview message', 'eye', 'javascript:' + this.objName + '.editPreview()'));
  holder.appendChild(btn('Submit', 'Submit', 'ok', 'javascript:' + this.objName + '.editSend()'));
  holder.appendChild(btn('Cancel', 'Cancel', 'cancel', 'javascript:' + this.objName + '.editCancel()'));

BBEdit.prototype.editSend = function () {
  var a = bindFunction(this, function (b) {
  xhrAsync(this.action, a, this.elForm.elements);
  this.el.innerHTML = 'Sending. Please wait...'
> If we were paying for access to these fora the problems that occur would be deplorable.
I'm sick and tired of the «but is gratis» argument.
we put up with a lot of issues only because we are already here and are too lazy to search an alternative (and too used to it)
Nah, I’m here because the forum is simple and fast, unlike other forums that take a minute and a half to load up all the pretty widgets and gadgets.

Also, I like it here because people are more or less friendly. Other forums are typically moderated by an elite crew who think newbies are and certain types of question are beneath them or soil the awesomeness of their site.

A few quirks for custom software stuck halfway through an overhaul is a minor issue for me.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I'm sick and tired of the «but is gratis» argument.

I'm exasperated by people who think they are entitled to everything as if it is their divine right. This site is costing the admin money.

I gravitated here because it is free to use, without the jackbooted dictatorship that is many online question/answer fora. stackoverflow is one of the worst.
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